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Planview Customer Success Center

Setting Up Notifications

This section covers user notifications, notification logic, IdeaPlace SaaS Email Whitelist requirements, how to add an Evalution file, and how to add/edit an Evaluation Template. 

  • Evaluation files represent data that cannot be edited within the context of a Planview IdeaPlace system. These may be graphics, sound, or other sets of data.
  • An evaluation file is used by specific roles, such as Moderator or Expert, and facilitates standard and complete idea evaluation.
  • Various actions result in an Idea Follow notification or a Category Follow notification.
  • The Planview IdeaPlace Innovation Management SaaS application includes the optional ability to generate email notifications to selected users.
  • When you follow another user, their various activities will cause notifications, profile page updates and other changes that you will be able to see.



Customers should also add the domain "" to their whitelist repository.