TeamTap Sentiment Influencers
Focuses on the drivers that increase and decrease sentiment.
Focuses on the drivers that increase and decrease sentiment.
TeamTap Sentiment Influencers Report example
Within TeamTap, as in IdeaPlace, sentiment is obtained through the analysis of comments that are posted against Responses.
Each comment is passed through a natural language service which reads it and scores it for positivity and negativity. This visualization shows what causes sentiment to increase. This is explained by a series of activities within the TeamTap feature such as Key phrase, Response count, Comment count, Vote count, Bookmark count, and Created date.
Feedback on the accuracy of the "key influencers" of sentiment can be provided using the thumbs up and thumbs down icons in the upper right corner. This entire tab can also be sliced by Tap Title. This allows users to isolate specific Taps where there may be high frequency in voting and responding.