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Planview Customer Success Center

Closing Challenges

Challenge Close Activities; Duration 2 min


There are two ways to close a challenge. The system:

  • Automatically closes the challenge when the End Date arrives.
  • Allows manual closing of the challenge.

How a Challenge Is Automatically Closed 

A challenge automatically closes if the challenge is open according to the End Date selected in Challenge Settings. This date and time can be changed any time throughout the challenge.

On the Current Challenges page, the challenge’s status changes to “Closed on <end date>.” Ideas can no longer be posted to the challenge.

How to Manually Close a Challenge

If you are the Challenge Sponsor or Administrator, you can manually close any challenge. To do so:

  • Go to the Edit Challenge page either by clicking on the name of the challenge on the Current Challenges page, or by clicking the Edit button on an individual challenge page.
  • Change the challenge’s status to Closed, then click the Submit button.

The challenge’s status on the Current Challenges pages will now read “Closed on <end date >.” Ideas can no longer be posted to the challenge.

A report of the ideas posted for the challenge is sent to all Administrators, except for the Challenge Sponsor. However, if the challenge was manually opened, the ideas report will not be emailed.