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Planview Customer Success Center

Editing the Navigation Bar

How can I Modify Items on the Navigation Bar?

First, let's see how the Navigation bar is built:

  1. Hover your mouse over or click the Ideas/View Ideas link on the Navigation Bar.
  2. Notice that the URL in the lower tray your browser follows the convention /Page/ViewIdeas.


URL in lower tray reflects ViewIdeas page convention



ViewIdeas page after Ideas is clicked on the Navigation bar (URL appears now in upper browser tray)


  1. Make note that ViewIdeas (no space) referenced in the URL is the page name within Site Editor. This name cannot be changed after the page is created. If a page name needs to be changed, delete that page and create a new one.
  2. View Idea (with the space) is the link/tab name that users see. This page can be modified after creation.


How to Hide/Show a Page on the Navigation Bar

  1. In the Site Editor select the checkbox for Add to Navigation Bar to make a page appear on the navigation bar:


Add to Navigation bar checkbox on Site Editor Overview page



How to Modify the Horizontal Order of Tabs in the Navigation Menu

  1. In Administration > Display & Branding > Site Editor, there is a column on the left side of the page containing a listing of the pages available within the community.
  2. The vertical orientation will translate to horizontal order of the buttons in the navigation bar (only those with Add to Navigation Bar selected).
  3. Drag and drop the pages to reorder the navigation.


The Store page is being dragged to a different location on the Navigation Bar