Upload File Size Limits
The maximum image size for idea images posted in the mobile experience is from 3MB to 6MB, making it easier to upload photos taken on your mobile device. (10MB is the limit for desktop.) For optimal display, we recommend using rectangular images with a landscape orientation (wider rather than taller) and a minimum pixel size of 310 pixels wide by 165 pixels high for both mobile and desktop.
Additionally, we advise clients to ensure all challenge images are rectangular images with a landscape orientation (wider rather than taller) and a minimum size of 450 pixels x 250 pixels so that they display correctly.
Profile avatar images need to be at least 200 x 200 pixels and have a max file size of 3MB.
File extensions must be lower case. Additionally, filenames cannot contain the # / \ or ? characters. This will trigger an error message.
File types that are not supported when uploading an attachment (or embedding) in an idea or editable widget are:
If you need to prevent end users from uploading images or videos in an RTE box, please submit a support ticket to change the max_image_upload_size to 0.
Default max number of attachments per idea is 50. There is a MAX_NUMBER_ATTACHMENTS in the config file that can be adjusted, but allowing more could impact performance.
Default maximum upload file size is 10 MB. There is a MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE in the config file that can be adjusted, but the max we can set it to is 64. Again, performance issues could be experienced.