4.4.5 Release Notes
Welcome to the 4.4.5 Release! Please see the attached 4.4.5 Release Notes, which are also detailed below.
Desktop Updates
This section details all of the updates that have been delivered as part of the release.
Post Idea API Endpoint – Following an investigation into a report related to the Post Idea API, we have fixed an issue that prevented ideas being posted without the optional ‘date_input’. This remains an optional field and the API endpoint for Post Idea reflects that.
Reply To Email – The ability to set the ‘reply to’ address of application-generated emails was not being saved when an administrator updated the setting in version 4.4.3. This resulted in ‘reply to’ email addresses not reflecting an accurate and valid email address. We have updated the field so that it now holds the correct email address. All system emails will reflect the configured ‘reply to’ email address.
Supported Browsers
The application supports the following browsers in the 4.4.5 version:
Firefox – 72,
Chrome - 80,
Safari – 13 for both OS Catalina & Mojave
IE11 – Latest version
MS Edge – Version 18 for Windows 10 Pro & Enterprise
Safari for iOS, Chrome on Android. Please note that Private Browsing or Incognito Mode is not supported on a Mobile Browser.
Supported Languages
The following languages are supported as “Tier 1” or out of the box. A full translation of the user interface is available with this release in the following languages:
English (United States) French (France) Spanish (Latin America) Spanish (Spain) |
Russian (Russia) Chinese (China) German (Germany) English (United Kingdom). |
Portuguese (Brazil) Japanese (Japan) Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Polish (Poland) |