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Planview Customer Success Center

Logging in/Customizing the Login page


Your system may be configured as public or private. If your system is public, and you wish to access the login screen, you will not see the screen below, but will see a Login link in the upper right corner of the screen. Click there to log in.

How it Works

If your system is set to Private without SSO enabled, when you log in to Planview IdeaPlace, you see the following screen, regardless of your role in the system:


ch1 Login screen.png


All other actions and privileges depend on the user name and password entered here. If you have been assigned the role of Super Administrator, you have already been given the name and password to use, because you have been involved in setting up the staging site with Planview personnel.

Enter your username and password here.


How to Customize the Login Pages

To ensure design consistency at all user touchpoints, when you customize your site using the Theme Editor, the background image used throughout the site will also be employed in the following login pages:

  • Public login page
  • Private login page
  • User registration
  • Forgot password or username
  • Reset password

Using the Admin Turn On/Off Features, you can also create a customized message on the left side of the login page, including title, content, and images. This message will be displayed at sign in for both desktop and mobile users, so check the formatting on both to ensure optimal layout.



Individuals do not need to be signed in to see this text. Anyone can view it.

