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Planview Customer Success Center

All Data Clusters


Shows automatic modeling of Ideas, Taps, and Tap Responses together. The central visualization offers a word cloud of key phrases which are generated from these three data sources and then refined by the last 90 days on a rolling basis.


All Data Clusters.png

All Data Clusters Report example



Business Outcomes

  • Coming soon



Supporting Capabilities

  • Coming soon



Report Details

The buttons on All Data Clusters allow for the configuration of the core visualization, which can remove each element from the word cloud.

The counts that are visible on the right side will show the matches when a particular cluster is clicked. This helps to understand where the cluster is emerging from within the data model.

Each count offers a drill-through list of Ideas, Taps, and Tap Responses, which corresponds with the selected cluster. By selecting a cluster and then right clicking on the count, users are taken to a predefined table page where the listing can be exported to .csv format by using the standard Power BI options. These tabs are labeled Tap Drill Through, Tap Response Drill Through. and Idea Drill Through. They are always visible at the far right of the navigation ribbon in the SpigitModel.