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Keep Track of Document Changes

There are a few different ways you can keep track of changes in the document archive, depending on the type and granularity of information you prefer.

Document Events Feed

Document events feed.png

  1. Once the Document detail pane has been opened, check the show history checkbox to see a complete history of the document.  Document information such as who created the document, who edited the document, and when the document was created will be displayed.
  2. Under the document name, click the document details to view a list of people who have viewed the document and when the document was viewed.

This function provides good support for quality systems such as ISO 9000.

Follow Documents

Following a document allows you to keep informed on how work is getting done. You can follow any document in the document archive of a workspace. When you follow a document, My Overview includes information about the documents you are following, giving you a direct way to access continual changes that occur within the document.

From My Overview, click the Following tab in the top, right side of the window, next to the My Work tab. Each document you follow is listed under the Following tab. The most recent change or event is listed under each document and includes the changes made to the document and when the changes occurred. 

Click any document from the Following tab to access details and make changes without leaving the My Overview page.

Following a document allows you to get a ProjectPlace (or in-service) notification when the document is updated and you will be notified when:

  • The document is moved to another folder
  • The document is deleted
  • Someone uploads a new version of the document
  • Someone starts a review for the document
  • A document review is finished

To follow a document: 

Click the More menu icon  in the document detail pane and select Follow. A confirmation message will appear at the top of the window.

To unfollow a document you are currently following:

Select Unfollow. This will remove the document from the Following tab, and you will stop receiving ProjectPlace (in-service) notifications about the document you are no longer following.

Locked Documents Cannot Be Deleted.

Locking documents prevents others from editing a document when you are making edits to the document. Documents that are locked cannot be deleted. To delete a locked document, first unlock it. A locked document can be unlocked by the user who locked it or by the Workspace Administrator.

Recently Changed View

Recently changed view.png

Once in the Document tool, use the filter icon image.png, at the top left corner of the window, to filter folders and documents. You may filter the list by Recently changed or by Reviews. Filtering by Recently Changed includes those documents that have been updated or changed over the previous 2 weeks. Filtering by Reviews includes documents that are under review. Once you are done with the filtered list, click Clear filters to remove any applied filter and the displayed list contains all folders, links, and documents in the Document tool.

Limitless Upload Size

Although there was previously a restriction on file size uploads (which made bulk uploads difficult), there is no longer any restriction.  Now you can upload large files and perform bulk uploads without a limitation on upload size.

Review Comments

Review comments.png

Review comments include only one review and are located in the detail pane. They are not included in the comments section.


Download our document app to make working with documents even easier. The app will open up your document in the native program and when you’re done automatically sync it back to ProjectPlace. No need to save locally before editing and no risk of multiple versions!


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