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Planview Customer Success Center

About ProjectPlace Integrations

To help our users work seamlessly with other productivity tools while they work with ProjectPlace, we offer a variety of third-party integrations.

To begin working with third-party integrations, account administrators need to enable them at the account level. Once enabled, the integrations will be available to all account users. To learn more, see Define Third Party Software Settings.

Microsoft Integrations

  • Use the ProjectPlace for MS Excel integration to export data from various places, such as the Gantt timeline, reported time, the status of your project portfolio, or the workload of your staff. The data from your ProjectPlace teams and projects are exported to an Excel file that you can save and share with your co-workers. Learn more.

  • The ProjectPlace for Microsoft Teams integration enables you to easily see and access work carried out in ProjectPlace from your channels in Microsoft Teams. Connect a board to your channel conversations to get updates on work that is performed on the ProjectPlace boards, and quickly navigate directly to a specific card to get more details or perform actions on the board in ProjectPlace. Learn more.

  • With the ProjectPlace for MS Office for Web integration, you can edit Microsoft documents in a web browser without having to install the software on your computer. Multiple users can simultaneously edit a document in a live co-authoring session, where you will be able to see changes users are making to a document in real-time. Learn more.

  • Use the ProjectPlace for MS Power BI integration to extract and visualize your ProjectPlace data directly in Microsoft Power BI. View key statistics, find out who your most active and productive team members are, and identify at-risk cards and activities across your workspaces. Learn more.

  • With the ProjectPlace for MS Project integration, you can import your MS Project plan to ProjectPlace to share it with your team and stakeholders in just a few minutes. Enjoy real-time progress tracking straight from your ProjectPlace plan as work gets done. Learn more.

ProjectPlace for Zapier

To work with a variety of online services, use the ProjectPlace for Zapier integration. To use the following integrations, you must first create a Zapier account.

  • Evernote is a popular tool for taking and organizing notes across your devices. By connecting Evernote and ProjectPlace, you can create a new task in ProjectPlace when you create a new note in Evernote. You may also create new notes in Evernote when your ProjectPlace tasks are changed or marked as done. Learn more.
  • Connect your ProjectPlace boards with Google Sheets to automatically create tasks in ProjectPlace as new values are added to your Google sheet. You can also write to your Google sheet when a task in ProjectPlace is updated or marked complete. This can be useful for sharing progress with people who are not members in your ProjectPlace teams or projects. Learn more.
  • When you start working on a card, a corresponding task is created in Harvest and you can then use Harvest's apps to report time. When you've competed your project in ProjectPlace, send the invoice to your customer from Harvest. Learn more.
  • Keep everyone on your team updated with the team progress by connecting a board with a HipChat room. Automatically post to your HipChat room when new tasks are created on your board, or as the tasks progress to the done column. Learn more.

ProjectPlace for Slack

  • Want to keep everyone on Slack up to speed with what's happening in ProjectPlace? With the Slack integration you can track progress of cards in ProjectPlace in real-time. Simply connect a board in ProjectPlace with a channel in Slack. So with every new card in ProjectPlace, Slack can send the information directly in your Slack channel with all the content you decide to be shared. Learn more.

ProjectPlace for Document Management Services

Link your Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, SharePoint and OneDrive files to your ProjectPlace activities, milestones, cards, and conversations. This enables you to keep everything together in ProjectPlace - your team, your work, your documents and your conversations. Learn more.

ProjectPlace for IdeaPlace

IdeaPlace and ProjectPlace are now integrated through an optional feature that can be enabled. This integration allows ideas to be synchronized with the ProjectPlace application to progress the idea. This unlocks a configurable path to delivery for each idea selected within IdeaPlace and synchronized with ProjectPlace. Learn more.

In order take advantage of the IdeaPlace and ProjectPlace integration, contact your Planview account representative for more details.

ProjectPlace for Changepoint 

Deliver better quality work using the Changepoint and Projectplace connector. Changepoint PLUS provides a more connected and streamlined approach to financial visibility and work collaboration. With this connector, you can utilize both the capabilities that enables streamlined contracts and financial structure with Changepoint, self-assigned work opportunities and time recording integrated with Projectplace and stronger work collaboration and financial integrity within the framework. Learn more.

ProjectPlace for Calendars

Use our ProjectPlace for Calendars integration to sync all your ProjectPlace tasks to your Outlook or Apple calendar. Learn more.

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