Visualize Your ProjectPlace Data Using Power BI
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With the Planview ProjectPlace OData data sets, you can extract and visualize your ProjectPlace data directly in Microsoft Power BI to interactively view key statistics, find out who your most active and productive team members are, and identify at-risk cards and activities across workspaces in your ProjectPlace account. You can also extend the out-of-the box dashboard and reports to get insights that are most important to you.
Only account members can access ProjectPlace data via Power BI. External members will not be able to access the data.
ProjectPlace OData Data Sets
ProjectPlace Power BI datasets are specifically designed to simplify the creation of reports and align the naming of data elements to match the current naming within ProjectPlace.
The following datasets are available for use with ProjectPlace OData Service
View table descriptions for ProjectPlace OData sets for Power BI
Dataset for Workspace Managers -
This dataset contains data for all workspaces that you own or are an administrator of:
- Activities, boards, cards, and their related data
- Workspace members and card assignments
- Issues and risks
- Estimated and reported time
- Custom fields on cards and activities defined in your workspaces
- Tags used on Cards or Issues/Risks in your workspaces
- Workspace information such as Status, Department, Cost center
You can also access information about archived workspaces. It is not enabled by default and a request needs to be submitted to Customer Support to have this data enabled. You need to be an Account Administrator to enable it for the account. Create ticket
Account Owners can submit a request to Customer Support to grant OData super user access to the dataset for workspace managers to a user. This role can only be granted to a user that already has Account Administrator privileges in the account. An OData super user will be able to generate reports based on data from all workspaces in the account, not only workspaces that this user is an owner or administrator of.
Dataset for Portfolio Managers -
This dataset contains data about all portfolios that you own or are a stakeholder of:
- Portfolio name
- Workspace name and related information (e.g. department, status, milestones, etc.)
- Status reports (i.e. all KPI data points reported on over time for that workspace)
Dataset for Account Owners and Administrators -
This dataset contains data related to people and workspaces in the account:
- Information about People in the account (e.g. name, email, date they joined the account, role etc.)
- Information about Workspaces in the account (e.g. name, head admin, date of creation, members count, last activity date etc.)
- Link between People and workspaces and what role the user has in a specific workspace
- Information about Requests and Custom Form Fields (e.g. name, type of request, the URL of the request, etc.)
Please note! When creating this template, we've set the relationship between the Activities table and the Card table to inactive, in order to make the Activities and Workspaces relationship and the Cards and Workspaces relationship active. This setting enables easy filtering of archived workspace data. Depending on how you would like to build your reports, you may want to update the relationships in the template file. Also remember that sometimes you may have activities without any cards on them yet, and there may also be cards on your boards that do not belong to any activity.
For customers who have a ProjectPlace Sandbox environment and would like to access data in this environment to create or test Power BI reports, the following URLs are available:
Sandbox in the EU datacenter:
Sandbox in the US datacenter:
Setting Up the ProjectPlace PowerBI Template with PVADMIN
To set up the ProjectPlace PowerBI template for use with PVADMIN:
- Download the ProjectPlace PowerBI template file: projectplace_template_for_power_bi_for_desktop (V6.4).pbit
- In Planview Admin, an administrator must take the following actions to generate new OAuth2 client credentials:
- Click the Settings menu.
- On the Settings screen, click the OAuth2 credentials tab.
- Click Create OAuth2 credentials.
- On the Create new OAuth2 credentials screen, enter a Name for the credentials.
- Click the Application list and select the option that is appropriate for your environment, ProjectPlace Reporting Production or ProjectPlace Reporting Sandbox.
- Click Create OAuth2 credentials.
- Copy the ID and Secret into a text file; these will be used later in this procedure.
- In Power BI Desktop, open the template file.
- Click the OData URL list and select the appropriate value for your region.
- Click the PVAdminURL list and enter the appropriate value for your region.
- Enter the ClientID and ClientSecret from step 2 Planview Admin.
- Click Load.
Power BI Desktop automatically loads the predefined dimensions, models, and the relationships from the template and also the predefined visualizations
8. When prompted pr Authentication Type please select as shown in the image below
Please note! When creating this template, we've set the relationship between the Activities table and the Card table to inactive, in order to make the Activities and Workspaces relationship and the Cards and Workspaces relationship active. This setting enables easy filtering of archived workspace data. Depending on how you would like to build your reports, you may want to update the relationships in the template file. Also remember that sometimes you may have activities without any cards on them yet, and there may also be cards on your boards that do not belong to any activity.
Setting Up the ProjectPlace PowerBI Template without PVADMIN
To set up the ProjectPlace PowerBI template for use without PVADMIN:
- Download the ProjectPlace PowerBI template file: projectplace_template_for_power_bi_for_desktop (V5.4).pbit
- In Power BI Desktop, open the template file.
- When Prompted, sign in and login to ProjectPlace, then click Connect.
4. When prompted, allow Power BI to access your ProjectPlace information.
5. Wait while the system loads the data.
PowerBI Template Overview
The ProjectPlace PowerBI Template contains basic relationships between the data set tables and some example visualizations for Overall Progress, Card Summary, Work Distribution & Issues and Risks.
Work Progress Dashboard This tab includes an overall view of the progress of the work by breaking the status of Cards, Activities, and Milestones across the different Workspaces. The visualizations can be filtered or sliced by Workspace, Board or Workspace Owner |
Card Summary Dashboard This tab includes a detailed status of cards across workspaces analyzed by status, due date, label, board, and activity. This view also includes a burnup chart to analyze the throughput of work in time. The visualizations can be filtered or sliced by Workspace, Board, or Workspace Owner. |
Work Distribution Dashboard This tab helps in the analysis of work distribution and assignments. The treemap view allows slicing and/or visualizing the volume of cards by assignee, and additional details can also be seen in the data table. The work distribution is also broken by status and due date. The visualizations can be filtered or sliced by Workspace, Board, or Workspace Owner. |
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