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Planview Customer Success Center

January 2019

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Account Administration

Changing Workspace Storage Limits

Account Administrators can now edit Workspace storage limits directly from Account Administration.

To learn more, visit Manage Workspaces in the Account.


Burn-up Chart is Being Reactivated

We turned off access to the Burn-up Chart in December to incorporate bring you the next generation technology to the Boards tool. Now that our work is done, access to the Burn-up Chart is available once again.

Group Cards by Due Date

Now you can group cards on a board by Due Date. Each card will land in one of the swim lanes with one of the below classifications. Users that group cards by Due Date on both the My Overview and Teams Overview pages will see the cards grouped into one of four categories:

  • Overdue
  • Due this week
  • Later
  • No Due Date

To learn more, visit Work with Boards.



Adding Custom Fields to Document Filters

Using documents filters to find specific documents is now even better.  Users can now use the established custom field values within the document filters search criteria to make document searches more powerful and effective.

To learn more, visit Work with Documents and Folders.

Edit Review Workflows

With this month's release, you can edit an existing Review Workflow. Reviewers can add or remove review steps and/or participants and change review due dates making the review workflow process even more effective and efficient.

To learn more, visit Document Reviews.


Parent Activities Are Automatically Set to Done

The Done status of a parent activity is derived from the status of its children. When all of the children activities have been set to Done, the parent activity will also have the Done status.

To learn more, visit Work with the Plan.

Mobile Apps

If you do not have a mobile app, visit the Apps download center to get either the iOS or Android mobile app today.

Following Cards and Documents

You can now see cards and documents you are following as an Android and iOS mobile app user. Whenever something happens on an item you are following, mobile app users will see a notification (just as they would from the desktop) allowing you to stay up to date even when you are not in the office.

Initiate Document Reviews on iOS Mobile App

It's now even easier to collaborate with team members when you are not in the office. This month, iOS mobile app users can initiate Document Reviews.

New Document Filters on Android and iOS Mobile Apps

Finding a specific document is not always easy so we've improved how you can find specific documents by improving your ability to filter documents in both the Android and iOS mobile apps.


Other Enhancements

New Copy and Paste Functionality

We're excited to announce that users now have the ability to use the Copy/Paste functionality where ever you can add an attachment (in the Plan, Boards, and Portfolio tools.)

Notes: 1. The Copy/Paste functionality is not available in the Documents tool at this time.

   2. The Copy/Paste functionality is not supported in IE11 due to compatibility issues.

A number of performance related enhancements and bug fixes have been included in this month's release.





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