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Planview Customer Success Center

Create a card type

POST /io/board/:boardId/cardType

Create a card type on a board.

Request Properties

Param Type Usage Default
name* string Name of the card type
colorHex* string Background color for cards of this card type
isCardType boolean Determines if card type will be used for standard cards on a board false
isTaskType boolean Determines if card type will be used for task cards false

Minimal Request

Minimum fields required

    "name": "New Card Type",
    "colorHex": "#f0f0f0"

Full Request

    "name": "New Card Type",
    "colorHex": "#f0f0f0",
    "isCardType": true,
    "isTaskType": false

Example Successful Response

201 Created

    "id": "947429871",
    "name": "New Card Type",
    "colorHex": "#f0f0f0",
    "isCardType": true,
    "isTaskType": false,
    "isDefaultTaskType": false

Updated 2020-01-22 @ 12:01 PM