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Planview Customer Success Center

Initiate a board-level external event

POST /io/board/:boardId/automation/externalevent

External events allow you to execute automations based on something happening outside of your board. For a board-level external event, the criteria on the automation is used to identify matching cards (this is similar to how scheduled automations run) and the automation is run for each matching card (up to 1000). Board-level external events are subject to more aggressive rate limiting, as they can result in creating significant activity. This limit is set to 5 per event in 5 minutes.

If using GitHub Actions, AgilePlace has a standard action to initiate a board-level external event. Please see: along with

Example Request

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic base64encodedauthhere' \
  --data `{ "eventName": "release-created" }`

Example Successful Response

202 Accepted

Updated 2024-10-07 @ 11:10 AM