Update a custom field
PATCH /io/board/:boardId/customfield
Add, update, or remove custom fields on a board by providing an array of operations to perform.
Request Properties
Param | Type | Usage | Default |
op * |
enumeration | add , replace , or remove |
path * |
string | A path targeting an existing record by id ("/1234") or "/" for an add operation | |
value.label |
string | ||
value.helpText |
string | ||
value.type |
enumeration | text , number , date , choice , multi |
value.index |
integer | Ordering of field for display purposes | |
value.choiceConfiguration.choices |
array | List of strings to show in dropdown |
Example Update Request
[ { "op": "replace", "path": "/101010", "value": { "label": "New field name", "helpText": "Helpful text", "choiceConfiguration": { "choices": ["Option1", "Option2"] } } }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/101011", "value": { "label": "Another field", "helpText": "More helpful text" } } ]
Example Create Request
[ { "op": "add", "path": "/", "value": { "label": "New Number Field", "helpText": "Helpful text", "type": "number" } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/", "value": { "label": "New Text Field", "helpText": "Helpful text", "type": "text" } } ]
Example Remove Request
[ { "op": "remove", "path": "/101010" }, { "op": "remove", "path": "/101011" } ]
Example Successful Response
200 OK
{ "customFields": [ { "id":"10113041726", "index":0, "type":"text", "label":"A thing", "helpText":"Maybe?", "createdOn":"2020-01-10T20:50:43Z", "createdBy":"25035" }, { "id":"10113041729", "index":1, "type":"choice", "label":"A list!", "helpText":"", "choiceConfiguration": { "choices": ["1","2","3"] }, "createdOn":"2020-01-10T21:01:36Z", "createdBy":"25035" } ] }