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Accessing AgilePlace data using OData


The OData reporting service provides a more customizable, advanced experience for reporting on and visualizing AgilePlace information.

Additionally, if you append /odata/ (slash at end required) after navigating to any AgilePlace environment you’ll get metadata for all available entities that you can retrieve from the OData servers. You’ll find common entities that the reporting API provides, such as card, boards, and connections. In order to leverage this OData service, you must be using a BI tool that supports an OData service. In doing so, users call specific data, not every single board in their environment. (Customers will own their own reports in their BI tool of choice)


Connect AgilePlace to Power BI Desktop

The first step to accessing AgilePlace data with Powower BI Desktop using OData, is to connect AgilePlace to Power BI Desktop.



Connect to the OData Service

To connect to an OData service via Power BI Desktop:

  1. In Power BI, click the Get Data button.
  2. Select OData Feed.
  3. Type or paste the URL of the environment you want to use. The URL format should be: 
  4. Select the Basic checkbox.

You will be asked for credentials. When in the AgilePlace OData service, you can provide your username and password that you use in the AgilePlace UI, as well as a AgilePlace Reporting API token. (See next section). 

Then you will be taken to a Navigator dialog where you can select a table. It loads along with any preloaded tables. You will see all the data you have access to.



How to Authenticate when you connect for the first time to the OData service

If you’re connecting through a AgilePlace API reporting token, you have to generate it, as in Enterprise One. (Enterprise One only generates one token, however. This can generate many.)

  1. Navigate to your AgilePlace account
  2. Enter your AgilePlace username and password or sign-in with SSO
  3. In the upper right of the screen, click on your user avatar/profile. Click API tokens.
  4. On the Current Active API tokens dialog, click Create Token.
  5. On the Create New Token dialog/popup, give it a description and click the Create button.
  6. From the Token Created popup, click the Copy Token button.
  7. Paste the token into the login screen of Power BI Desktop.

a. For username, type leankitapitoken (all lower case).

b. Paste token into password field.

c. Click the Save button.

Each user needs to authenticate in this manner.  



Passing Filters to OData

When you call into the service, when you call the OData server you can pass certain filters. If you just want to build a report based on a board, you don’t need to retrieve all your account data. When you call your data server, you can pass specific parameters and it’ll return those specific boards.  In this example, the user just calls specific data, not every single board in environment. See the Filter System Query section in