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Prompt Library

The Copilot Prompt Library lets you quickly access code. Simply click the Copy Prompt button by the header of the prompt you would like and paste into Copilot.



Analytics & Insights Prompts

Daily Metrics Check
"Analyze today's board metrics using this structured format:
 Daily Metrics Report - [Date]
1. Volume Metrics
   - New Cards: [#] (vs 5-day avg of [#])
   - Completed Cards: [#] (vs 5-day avg of [#])
2. Flow Status
   - WIP: [#]/[limit] per column
   - Active Cards: [#] by type
   - Flow Efficiency: [%]
3. Risk Indicators
   - Blocked: [#] cards ([details])
   - Aging: [#] cards > 14 days
   - SLA Warnings: [#] cards
Example Output:
 Daily Metrics Report - March 21, 2024
1. Volume Metrics
   - New Cards: 5 (vs 5-day avg of 4)
   - Completed Cards: 7 (vs 5-day avg of 6)
2. Flow Status
   - WIP: 15/20 Development, 8/10 Testing
   - Active Cards: 12 Features, 8 Bugs, 3 Tech Debt
   - Flow Efficiency: 68%
3. Risk Indicators
   - Blocked: 3 cards (2 external dependency, 1 technical)
   - Aging: 2 cards > 14 days
   - SLA Warnings: 1 card
Please provide today's metrics following this exact format, highlighting significant deviations from averages."


Risk Alert
"Generate a risk assessment report using this validated framework:
 Risk Alert Dashboard
1. Deadline Risk
   Priority 1 (Next 48 hrs):
   - Card ID | Days to Deadline | Current Status
   Priority 2 (Next 5 days):
   - Card ID | Days to Deadline | Current Status
2. Aging Analysis
   Critical (>20 days):
   - Card ID | Current Age | Root Cause
   Warning (14-20 days):
   - Card ID | Current Age | Root Cause
3. Blocker Impact
   High Impact:
   - Card ID | Blocking Dependencies | Business Impact
   Emerging Risks:
   - Pattern Analysis | Mitigation Suggestions
Example Output:
 Risk Alert Dashboard
1. Deadline Risk
   Priority 1:
   - CARD-123 | 1 day | Waiting Review
   - CARD-456 | 2 days | In Testing
2. Aging Analysis
   - CARD-789 | 22 days | External Dependency
   - CARD-234 | 15 days | Resource Constraint
3. Blocker Impact
   High Impact:
   - CARD-567 | Blocks 3 features | Revenue Impact
   Emerging Risks:
   - Testing bottleneck forming in QA column
Please analyze current board state and provide risk assessment following this exact format."


Team Load Snapshot
Show current team member workload, capacity, and complexity:

Team Workload Status - March 21
- Sarah: 4 active cards | Medium complexity | (2 in Dev, 2 in Testing)
- James: 3 active cards | High complexity |(3 in Dev)
- Ana: 2 active cards | Low complexity | (1 in Review, 1 in Testing)

- Development: 5 cards in progress
- Testing: 3 cards in progress
- Review: 1 card in progress

Capacity Alert:
- High load: Sarah (above optimal WIP)
- Available: Mark (can take new cards)

Note any significant workload imbalances or capacity issues and include specific recommendations for workload balancing."


Speed Report Analysis
"Using AgilePlace's Speed Report and Cycle Time metrics as reference points, analyze my board's current state.
Example output format:
* Cycle Time: 5 days (↑2 from baseline)
* WIP: 15 items (2 over limit)
* Blocked Items: 3 critical
* Flow Efficiency: 65%

Please provide my current metrics in this format, highlighting any metrics that deviate more than 20% from baseline."


Bottleneck Detector
"Analyze my board's Flow Report and Exceptions data to identify active bottlenecks.
Reference example:
'Development column has 5 items (130% of WIP limit), with 3 items aging >5 days. Root cause: Limited QA capacity'
Provide current bottleneck analysis in this format, including:
1. Location of bottleneck
2. Severity (% over limits)
3. Age of affected items
4. Identified root cause"


Comprehensive Performance Analysis
"Conduct a data-driven analysis using AgilePlace's core analytics capabilities. Structure the analysis as follows:
1. Data Validation
- Confirm data timeframe (last 30 days)
- Verify metric calculations
- Identify any data gaps
2. Core Metrics Analysis
Using the Speed Report and Cycle Time Report:
- Calculate average cycle time by work type
- Identify statistical outliers
- Compare against historical baselines
3. Flow Efficiency
Using the Flow Report:
- Calculate active vs. wait time
- Identify process bottlenecks
- Measure WIP limit adherence
4. Risk Assessment
Using the Exceptions Report:
- Flag aging items
- Identify blocked work patterns
- Calculate risk impact scores
Present findings with supporting data points and confidence levels for each insight."


Trend Analysis Framework
"Using AgilePlace's historical data, analyze patterns with the following validation structure:
1. Data Quality Check
- Confirm complete data set for last 3 months
- Identify any anomalous periods
- Validate metric consistency
2. Pattern Recognition
Reference baseline metrics:
- Cycle Time: [baseline]
- Throughput: [baseline]
- Quality: [baseline]
Compare current trends against these baselines and highlight:
- Statistically significant deviations
- Emerging patterns
- Correlation with team events"



Performance & Automation Prompts

Daily Standup Report Generator
"Generate a standup report using this proven format:
 Daily Standup Report - [Date]
1. Last 24 Hours
- [Card ID] | [Type] | [Summary] ✓
- [Card ID] | [% Complete] | [Key Update]

2. Blockers & Risks
- [Card ID] | [Blocker] | [Action Needed]
⚠️ At Risk:
- [Card ID] | [Risk Factor] | [Mitigation]

3. Today's Focus
Priority Items:
- [Card ID] | [Goal] | [Support Needed]
Key Decisions:
- [Topic] | [Decision Needed] | [By When]

Example Output:
 Daily Standup Report - March 21, 2024
1. Last 24 Hours
- CARD-123 | Feature | Login API Integration ✓
- CARD-456 | 80% | UI Testing in progress

2. Blockers & Risks
- CARD-789 | Waiting for API docs | Follow up with Team B
⚠️ At Risk:
- CARD-234 | May miss sprint | Need additional QA support

3. Today's Focus
Priority Items:
- CARD-567 | Complete code review | Need tech lead review
Key Decisions:
- API Structure | Final endpoint design | EOD

Please generate today's standup report following this exact format."


Weekly Status Report Generator
"Create a comprehensive weekly status report using this validated template:
 Weekly Progress Report
Week [#] | [Date Range]
1. Executive Summary
Key Achievements:
- [Achievement] | [Business Impact]
Critical Updates:
- [Update] | [Action Required]

2. Delivery Metrics
Sprint Progress:
- Planned vs Actual: [#]/[#] points
- Scope Changes: [Added/Removed]
Quality Metrics:
- Defects: [Found/Fixed]
- Technical Debt: [Added/Resolved]

3. Team Health
Capacity Utilization:
- Team Load: [%]
- Focus Time: [%]
Collaboration Metrics:
- Cross-team Dependencies: [#]
- Knowledge Sharing: [Examples]

4. Upcoming Milestones
Next Week:
- [Milestone] | [Target Date] | [Status]
Risk Radar:
- [Risk] | [Impact] | [Mitigation Plan]

Example Output:
 Weekly Progress Report
Week 12 | March 18-22, 2024
1. Executive Summary
Key Achievements:
- Released v2.1 | 15% performance improvement
- Completed security audit | No critical findings
Critical Updates:
- API migration delayed | Need architecture review

2. Delivery Metrics
Sprint Progress:
- Planned vs Actual: 45/40 points
- Scope Changes: +2 critical bugs, -1 feature
Quality Metrics:
- Defects: 5 found, 4 fixed
- Technical Debt: 2 items added, 3 resolved

3. Team Health
Capacity Utilization:
- Team Load: 85%
- Focus Time: 70%
Collaboration Metrics:
- Cross-team Dependencies: 3 active
- Knowledge Sharing: 2 tech talks completed

4. Upcoming Milestones
Next Week:
- API Migration | March 29 | At Risk
- Security Fixes | March 27 | On Track
Risk Radar:
- Resource constraints | High | Requesting additional support
- Technical complexity | Medium | Architecture review scheduled"