Move a card
POST /io/card/move
This API has a number of uses:
- Move cards between lanes
- Change a card's index in a lane
- Move task cards between task lanes
- Convert a card to a task
- Convert a task to a card
- Move cards to other boards
Example Requests:
Moving a single card to the end of another lane
{ "cardIds":["637797483"], "destination":{ "laneId": "637797516" } }
Moving a card to a specific index
Note: Avoid using a specific index if possible. Operations that explicitly modify index are slower.
{ "cardIds":["637797483"], "destination":{ "laneId": "637797516", "index": 2 } }
Moving multiple cards to the default drop lane on another board
{ "cardIds":["637797483", "8675309"], "destination":{ "boardId": "90210" } }
Converting a card to a task
{ "cardIds":["637797483"], "destination":{ "cardId": "637797516" } }
Example Success Response
200 OK