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Planview Customer Success Center

Filtering OKRs

SortingFilters and Timeframes help you focus on the OKRs that matter to you. 

Sorting OKRs

To sort Objectives, select the criteria you want to sort by from the Sorting dropdown. You can toggle the Reverse Sort option to reverse the sort order.

OKR sort.png

Filtering OKRs

To filter OKRs on your OKR board, click Funnel Icon. Set the filter criteria you want to use in each section described in the following table.



  • Click Clear filters to delete all filter criteria in all sections.
  • Click eraser icon in a filter section to delete filter criteria only in that section.


Filter Section Description

To filter by date, enter a date in one or both of the following boxes:

  • From: Only show OKRs with a start date on or after the selected date.
  • To: Only show OKRs with an end date on or before the selected date.
Keyword To filter by OKR name or another keyword, enter text in the ​​​​​Keyword box. The screen applies the filter in real time as you type.
Parent Objectives

To only show OKRs that are children of specific parent objectives, select the checkboxes for the parents you want. If all checkboxes are clear, the screen does not filter on any parent objective.

Child Objectives To only show specific child objectives and their associated key results, select the checkboxes for the child objectives you want. If all checkboxes are clear, the screen does not filter on any child objective.
Owners To only show OKRs owned by specific users, select the checkboxes for the users you want.

Using Timeframes

Timeframes allow you to quickly select relative and custom date ranges to restrict what is displayed on your OKR board. In the Timeframe section you have the following options:


Click to expand or shrink


  • Year - Click to select or type the year you want to filter by.
  • Month - Click to select or type the month and year you want to filter by. 
  • Custom - Provide a start date, end date or both.