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Planview Customer Success Center

Filtering OKRs

SortingFilters and Timeframes help you focus on the OKRs that matter to you. 

Sorting OKRs

To sort Objectives, select the criteria you want to sort by from the Sorting dropdown. You can toggle the Reverse Sort option to reverse the sort order.

OKR sort.png

Filtering OKRs

To filter OKRs on your OKR board, click Funnel Icon. In the filter panel you have the following options:

  • Date - Provide a start date (From), end date (To), or both. 
  • Keyword - Provide a word or phrase you want to search for.
  • Parent Objective - Select the checkbox next to the Parent Objectives you want to narrow the search to. 
  • Child Objective - Select the checkbox next to the Child Objectives you want to narrow the search to. 



To remove previously applied filters, click the corresponding eraser button next to the filter you want to remove or click the eraser button above your OKR board to remove all applied filters.


Using Timeframes

Timeframes allow you to quickly select relative and custom date ranges to restrict what is displayed on your OKR board. In the Timeframe section you have the following options:


Click to expand or shrink


  • Year - Click to select or type the year you want to filter by.
  • Month - Click to select or type the month and year you want to filter by. 
  • Custom - Provide a start date, end date or both.