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Planview Customer Success Center

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Board and Lane Events

In order to stay on top of all the activities surrounding your projects, AgilePlace allows you to subscribe to events that occur within your AgilePlace board. By subscribing, you can receive notifications by email or RSS feed when events happen on a board or within a particular lane.

Events that will trigger notifications include:

  • cards being created
  • cards being moved
  • cards being assigned to a user
  • cards being archived.

Subscribing to an entire board allows you to receive notification of all events occurring within the board. This is important if you are managing a process or project and need to know about all activities.

Subscribing to a particular lane within a board may make more sense if you are only interested in one or two steps within the process. For example, a product tester may only want/need to be notified when cards enter or are processed through the lanes designated for testing activities.

With an email subscription, any subscribed event will generate an email to your registered email address, which will include descriptive information about the event.  If the event is related to a card, the email will also contain a link allowing you to navigate directly to the full card information (you may have to login).

You can also receive notifications through RSS feeds to your favorite RSS reader software.  A unique RSS URL will point you to your personalized feed.  Provide this URL to your RSS reader to receive the event notifications there.



Note: The URL provided to you is personalized and should not be distributed to others.


Email Subscription for an Entire Board

You can subscribe to receive emails for events from an entire board by clicking the icon and selecting either Subscribe or RSS and Calendar.

When clicking the Subscribe option, you will receive an instant confirmation that you've subscribed to all board events by email.

RSS Subscription for an Entire Board

Follow the same steps as email subscription, except select the RSS and Calendar option.




From the RSS and Calendar window, you can see your private RSS URL for use with your RSS reader of choice.




Subscription for a Single Lane

You can subscribe to events for a specific lane by right-clicking the title bar for the lane and selecting Subscribe.


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