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Planview Customer Success Center

Q&A from Simplifying PI Planning with AgilePlace - June 2nd, 2022

Question Answer
How do you recommend dealing with MMPs (Minimal Marketable Products) during PI planning? MMPs are not hierarchical. There should be collaboration between Product Development teams and Marketing teams during PI Planning (this could happen at the same time or on different cadences). Product and Marketing teams should keep each other informed and coordinate dependencies around launch activities.
In order to show the dependencies on AgilePlace board (Planning board), we found that parent child relationship between cards is not enough. We should have something specific to show a dependency without calling those parent-child. Is there any plan to bring this feature in AgilePlace boards?  We're interested in exploring the idea of differentiating between dependencies and parent/child relationships in AgilePlace. If you'd like to have a conversation with AgilePlace Product Management about this topic, please email
PI Planning Board...said "Objectives" (not OKRs).  What are you defining as Objectives in this space? PI Objectives should be more tactical, for example, improve user administration screen in application x. Objectives in OKRs should be more aspirational, for example, increase license utilization by 15%.
Is there a way to see past presentations other than through following the link sent by email? Previous 13-minute Thursday webinars are available on this page, under "AgilePlace":