Update a board's layout
PUT /io/board/:boardId/layout
Update a board's layout by replacing the entire layout object.
Requires at least manager role on the board specified.
Example Request Body
{ "lanes": [ { "id": "10113986293", "title": "Not Started - Future Work", "type": "ready", "classType": "backlog", "index": 0, "columns": 3, "orientation": "vertical", "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": false, "children": [ { "id": "10113986298", "title": "New Requests", "type": "ready", "classType": "backlog", "index": 0, "columns": 1, "orientation": "vertical", "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": true, "children": [], "wipLimit": 0, "description": null } ], "wipLimit": 0, "description": null }, { "id": "10113986295", "title": "Doing Now", "type": "inProcess", "classType": "active", "index": 1, "columns": 2, "orientation": "vertical", "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": false, "children": [], "wipLimit": 0, "description": null }, { "title": "NEW LANE", "type": "untyped", "classType": "active", "index": 4, "columns": 1, "orientation": "vertical", "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": false, "children": [], "wipLimit": 0 }, { "id": "10113986294", "title": "Finished - Ready to Archive", "type": "completed", "classType": "archive", "index": 6, "columns": 3, "orientation": "vertical", "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": false, "children": [], "wipLimit": 0, "description": null } ], "layoutChecksum": "2f03a0170a3a51b45e0e8fa3710cf755" }
- The lanes object and layoutChecksum are retrieved via the board GET endpoint
- The layoutChecksum is used to validate that the board layout has not been edited by another user since it was last retrieved.
Example Successful Response
200 Success
{ "lanes": [ { "id": "10113986293", "title": "Not Started - Future Work", "wipLimit": 0, "columns": 3, "orientation": "vertical", "index": 0, "type": "ready", "classType": "backlog", "cardStatus": "notStarted", "description": null, "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": false, "children": [ { "id": "10113986298", "title": "New Requests", "wipLimit": 0, "columns": 1, "orientation": "vertical", "index": 0, "type": "ready", "classType": "backlog", "cardStatus": "notStarted", "description": null, "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": true } ] }, { "id": "10113986295", "title": "Doing Now", "wipLimit": 0, "columns": 2, "orientation": "vertical", "index": 1, "type": "inProcess", "classType": "active", "cardStatus": "started", "description": null, "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": false }, { "id": "10113989209", "title": "NEW LANE", "wipLimit": 0, "columns": 1, "orientation": "vertical", "index": 2, "type": "untyped", "classType": "active", "cardStatus": "started", "description": null, "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": false }, { "id": "10113986296", "title": "Recently Finished", "wipLimit": 0, "columns": 2, "orientation": "vertical", "index": 3, "type": "completed", "classType": "active", "cardStatus": "finished", "description": null, "isConnectionDoneLane": true, "isDefaultDropLane": false }, { "id": "10113986294", "title": "Finished - Ready to Archive", "wipLimit": 0, "columns": 3, "orientation": "vertical", "index": 4, "type": "completed", "classType": "archive", "cardStatus": "finished", "description": null, "isConnectionDoneLane": false, "isDefaultDropLane": false } ], "layoutChecksum": "b41c4d1deb7e46b2180a636020b2e5cf" }