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Advanced Reporting API: Export Parameters

Each of the Reporting API endpoints support a standard set of parameters to control the format of the data returned.

URL parameters (also known as "query string" parameters) are placed immediately after the URL resource path/name. The first parameter starts with a question mark (?). The name of a parameter and its value are separated by an equal (=). Additional parameters are separated with an ampersand (&). 



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Required Parameters


A valid token obtained from the POST /io/reporting/auth API end point. See Getting Started for more information on obtaining a token.


Optional Parameters


Board ID filter. If boardId is specified, the API will return data filtered to the given Board(s). One or more may be specified. If no boardId is specified, the API will return data for all boards the current user has access to.

Values: Any valid Board ID.

Example: &boardId=10010342040&boardId=10010343056

Example: &boardId=10010342040,10010343056


Specifies the format of the data returned. The API can return comma-separated values (CSV), tab-delimited values (TAB), or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formatted data. If no format is specified, the default value is csv.

Values: csv, tab, or json

Example: &format=tab

Alternatively, format can be specified as an extension: .csv, .tab, or .json




When returning data as CSV or TAB, the header parameter can be used to specify whether or not to return the first row as a header row, which includes all the field names. If header is not specified, the default value is true.

Values: true, false, 1, 0

Example: &header=false


When returning data as CSV or TAB, the quotedString parameter can be used to control how string data is returned. When quotedString=true, all strings returned will be surrounded by quotes. The default value is true.

Note: If quotedString=false, and a string contains the comma or tab delimiter, quotes will be automatically added around the field value.

Values: true, false, 1, 0

Example: &quotedString=true


When returning data as CSV or TAB and quoted=true, all values are surrounded by quotes, except for empty/missing values. The default value is false.

Values: true, false, 1, 0

Example: &quoted=false


When returning data as CSV or TAB and quotedEmpty=true, all empty/missing values are represented as empty quotes (""). The default value is false.

Values: true, false, 1, 0

Example: &quotedEmpty=false


The limit parameter can be used to limit the number of rows of data. For example, if only the first 100 rows of data is desired, you can specify &limit=100. When the format is CSV or TAB, the default limit size is 1,000,000. When the format is JSON, the default limit size is 100.

Value: any positive number

Example: &limit=100


The offset parameter is intended to be used with JSON formatted data to return a "page" of data at a time, usually referred to as "paging." The default value is 0.

Value: 0 or any positive number

Example (first page): &format=json&limit=100&offset=0

Example (second page): &format=json&limit=100&offset=100

Example (third page): &format=json&limit=100&offset=200