The Roadmap
Note: The new Roadmaps module will replace existing Roadmaps on July 25, 2021. Read more.
Click here to read about the new Portfolio Roadmaps.
Click here to read about the new Program and Project Roadmaps.
This page describes the AdaptiveWork Roadmap and includes the following sections:
- About the Roadmap
- Roadmap Icons
- Roadmap View Options
- Navigating the Roadmap
- Viewing and Updating Work Items from Roadmap
- Selecting Projects to View on Roadmap
- Adding Items
- Sharing the Roadmap
About the Roadmap
The AdaptiveWork Roadmap is an an interactive color-coded timeline chart with start and finish dates reflecting real-time visibility to deliverables, and forms a high level bird's-eye view of the status and progress of a project's tasks and milestones in progress.

The Roadmap view requires several field sets to be be available to you in your profile settings:
- To view the roadmap you need ability to see the following fields: Start Date , Due Date and Duration
- To switch to baseline view, you will also need permissions on: Baseline Start Date, Baseline Due Date and Baseline Duration
- To switch to the planned vs actual view, you will also need permissions on: Actual Start Date, Actual End Date and Actual Duration
The roadmap view has several display options
- Standard - Displays all of the selected projects in a standard view
- Flat - Mainly used for portfolios, this display option creates a flat view for all of the projects within
- Baseline - Displays an additional block showing the Project's baseline
- Plan vs. Actual - Displays an additional block showing planned vs. actual information on the project's timeline
To toggle the various roadmap display options:
- Click the
The Roadmap view options appear - Select the desired view to toggle between the available display options
Navigating the Roadmap
Figure 2: Roadmap Ribbon
The ribbon enables adding new milestones and notes , sharing a Roadmap widget, selecting the view of interest, and printing the current view.
The Zoom slide control zooms Roadmap segments.
The Fit button sizes the entire Roadmap to fit the screen horizontally.
Click an item icon in the Roadmap to open the item's Mini-Properties Card .
Figure 3: Mini Properties Card
The Mini-Properties C ard enables you to update the importance, status, progress, and other key properties of a work item.
To view a full Properties Card of the selected item, which includes all fields, click the Advanced link.
To set the visibility of a work item on the Roadmap, click the Visibility field value and select the relevant value from the drop-down.
Manage Viewing Milestones and Tasks
You can manage milestone and task viewing in the Roadmap by clicking the relevant work item and then clicking the Visibility field in the Mini-Properties Card. Roadmap Visibility has the following three settings:
- Hide from Roadmap
- Show in Roadmap
- Show with Date
Selecting Show with Date shows the item's due date above the selected item.
Selecting Projects to View on Roadmap
When selecting a project with sub-projects or multiple projects, you can choose to view all projects within the Roadmap.
Two methods for selecting the projects to view are:
- Click
located on the ribbon,
- Click
located adjacent to the project icon.
The Project expands revealing a tree of sub-projects.
To choose a specific project, click the sub-project's icon in the Roadmap tree.
Figure 4: Roadmap Tree
- Click
to collapse the Roadmap tree.
When creating new Roadmap items, a popup window enables defining content, and for notes, setting the privacy settings.
Once saved, the new item is attached to the project, the icon is visible as a Roadmap annotation both on the selected date and to the right-hand side of the project icon.
The following items may be added to a Roadmap:
- Click
located on the Roadmap ribbon .
The Add Milestone window opens enabling you to choose a blank milestone or a Template milestone.
Figure 5: Add Milestone
- Drag and drop the relevant milestone onto the required due date on the Roadmap.
The New Milestone dialog window opens.
Figure 6: New Milestone
- Define the milestone name and specific due date.
- Click
Data is sent to the server, the new milestone is added.
Adding New Specific Date Milestones and Notes
- Hover the mouse pointer over the desired date in the Roadmap.
The date call-out updates as the pointer moves horizontally. - Click the required date location.
The option pop-up appears.
- Select either the Milestone or Note option.
The selected option dialog opens with the selected date.
Figure 7: Add Note or New Milestone
- Enter the data in the resulting dialog:
- For a new note :
a) Enter and format note text.
b) Define Public or Private. - For a new milestone :
a) Define Blank Milestone or From template .
If 'From template' selected, browse to the template.
b) Define the milestone name.
- Click
Data is sent to the server, the new specific date milestone or note is added.
Sharing the Roadmap
AdaptiveWork can generate Roadmap Widgets which can be shared between people and customers via the web or emails .
located on the Roadmap ribbon.
The Roadmap Widget Generator window opens.
Figure 8: Roadmap Widget Generator
- Define the following parameters:
- Define the Widget Expiry Date
- Define whether to Expand the first level
- Define whether to Restrict access to advanced properties
- Define whether to Restrict viewing Plan vs. Actual and Baseline views
- Select which view to show: Baseline, Plan vs. Actual, or Standard roadmap views
- Define whether to require a password
- Define which roadmap view appears
- Click Next to send the widget
- Email the widget to licensed or unlicensed users who can view real time information
- The widget can be sent with iframe tags so it can be embedded in a webpage
For more information on sending the widget review Sharing Links.