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Planview Customer Success Center

Viewing and Approving Timesheets for Resource Managers

AdaptiveWork can be configured to allow Resource Managers to view and approve timesheets for members in their direct groups and sub-groups. Normally, Direct Managers and Project Managers can view and approve timesheets.

For approving timesheets, a new setting enables/disables the option, just like for Direct Managers and Project Managers. The default setting is off (Resource Managers cannot approve timesheets).

To enable timesheet approval for Resource Managers:

  1. Go to Settings > System Settings.
  2. Expand 13. Time Tracking, and enable 13.12 Resources Managers can approve timesheets.
  3. Click Save.

To view timesheets for resources:

  1. Open the Timesheets module. 
  2. In the Timesheets module, click Change User to see timesheets for a resource.