Limitation with Manually set Fixed Cost
All Work Items in AdaptiveWork can have a Fixed Cost or Fixed Price that overrides Budgeted Cost and Expected Revenue respectively.
- Fixed Cost, Manually-Set: Budgeted Cost, Expected Revenue, Actual Cost & Actual Revenue amounts set on work items can not be time-phased and are not displayed in the Financial Planning view. Amounts cannot be divided into Labor/Non-Labor and Capex/Opex.
- Work Item Direct Planned Expenses & Direct Planned Billed Expenses are not time-phased and are not displayed in the Financial Planning view. Amounts cannot be divided into Labor/Non-Labor and Capex/Opex.
- Unless you are setting the Fixed Costs & Direct Planned Expenses via an integration (for example, Salesforce), plan to retire these fields, remove them from profiles and layouts and migrate users to the more accurate Financial Planning.
- Use Non-Labor to capture time-phased budget (plan) and actual amounts.
- Use Validation rules to prevent manually-set Budgeted & Actual cost values that block time-phasing.