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Planview Customer Success Center


AdaptiveWork Bot, AI for work management, helps you and your teams to take actions in your projects, get status updates, report on timesheets, and more. And all from your Slack or Microsoft Teams environment.

There's no need to remember tricky commands. WIth natural language processing, AdaptiveWork Bot answers questions like “Are any of my projects offtrack?” so you can easily keep track of your work without having to leave Slack/Microsoft Teams.


Get real-time data on the fly

Ask @clarizen to help prioritize your work and list your projects by status

COMMAND: @clarizen show me my projects

my projects

Learn and share critical project information

Ask @clarizen for project status, cost and revenue reports

COMMAND: @clarizen show me the milestone report for project: Eagle


Take action and get more done

Mark tasks complete, review status and make updates

COMMAND: @clarizen mark task as complete

Keep your team on track

Ask @clarizen to log timesheets

COMMAND: @clarizen log 1 hour on customer Eagle
