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Planview Customer Success Center

Managing Asset Types

Asset Types can be used to create classifications for specific assets a production company manages. In addition to classifications, Asset types have a role in the Financial realm as Asset Types include hourly rates. 

  • Admins, Users with Financial or Super user permissions can create Asset Types classifications for specific assets managed by the company. 
  • Users with Financial permissions can set rates for Asset Types.

This page describes the way you manage asset types and includes the following sections:

Adding a new Asset Type

  1. From the main menu, click Asset Type.
  2. In the toolbar, click Add Asset Type.
    Enter the required information in the corresponding fields.

If you have financial permissions, you can define rates of the asset type.

Adding Assets to the Asset Type

To add new assets to an asset type, click Add Assets.

You will then be able to browse and filter through assets within the organization.

To select multiple assets to assign to a asset type, simply hold down the CTRL button on the keyboard and select the relevant assets with the mouse.

Once you are done click OK.

Note: Assets that have previously been assigned asset types will not be assigned a new asset type. To assign these assets a new asset type, access their Profile card in the Assets tab.

Deleting an Asset Type

Click the Delete icon in the toolbar of the Asset Type grid to delete the specific Asset Type.

If the selected Asset Type is currently assigned to an asset, the Asset Type won’t be deleted, but Disabled.

If the selected Asset Type is not in use, you will be asked to confirm the operation before deletion.

Enabling Asset Type

To enable an Asset Type that has been disabled by the Delete operation, click on the Enable link in the toolbar.