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Planview Customer Success Center

Adding New Expenses

Adding New Expenses

This page describes adding new expenses to an Expense Sheet and includes the following sections:

Adding New Expenses to a Project via the Ribbon

  1. Select the project.
  2. On the ribbon, click 202073278_add_related-3-.png and then 202073288_expenses_btn.jpg

    The Add Expenses multi-find window opens.

Tip: An existing Expense Sheet can be selected from the Add Expenses multi-find window .
  1. Click 202073298_add-2-.jpg

The Add New New Expense pop-up window or in-line editor opens.

Note: AdaptiveWork in-line editors are equipped with 202030147_more-5-.png and 202030157_less.jpg ​ options, whereas pop-up windows are not.
Layouts for defining new items can be configured to display information and/or fields as pop-up windows or as inline editors by your organization's Admin user, via Layout Settings.


Figure 1: Add New Expense Form

  1. Enter a description.
  2. To change the Expense Sheet parent (if relevant), click 202073318_parent_change.jpg and select the new parent from the Select Expense
    multi-find window.
  3. Enter the expense category.


  • Click 202073328_drop_down_arrow-1-.jpg and scroll to select a category.
  1. Edit the work item as necessary.


  • Click 202030167_open_multi_find.jpg to select another work item.
  1. Enter the local amount value and click 202073338_dark_drop_down_arw.jpg to select a currency.
  2. Enter the exchange rate.
Note: If necessary, set an exchange rate and amount with the corresponding currency.
  1. Click the 202030177_controlchecked-1-.png controls to define Billable and Reimburse settings.
Billable is set to ‘On’ ​b y default meaning the resource Cost and Revenue rates assigned are factored into Expected Costs .
The Reimburse control sets whether or not any incurred costs are reimbursed.
  1. Click 202073348_save-5-.png

    New expenses are added to the Expense Sheet.

Adding New Expenses to a Work Item via the Relations Panel

Note: When adding an expense to a milestone or to a task , AdaptiveWork automatically generates an associated Expense Sheet if one does not exist.
  1. Click 202073358_expand_panel.jpg located in the upper-left of a grid .

    The grid expands.
  2. Select the work item to which a new expense is to be added.
  3. On the Relations Panel , click 202030187_add_reltd_link.jpg
  4. Click 202030197_expenses_icon.jpg

    The Add Expenses multi-find window opens. ​
Tip: An existing Expense Sheet can be selected from the Add Expenses multi-find window.
  1. Follow Steps 3 through 11 of the above procedure.

Adding New Expenses to a Work Item via the Grid

  1. Click 202073368_expand_panel.jpg located in the upper-left of a grid .

    The grid expands.
  2. Hover the mouse pointer over the work item in the grid to reveal the Quick Peek icon.


Figure 2: View Data

  1. Click 202030217_eye_pick.jpg

    The Data Preview window opens.


Figure 3: Item Short Path Pop-up Window

  1. Click the 202030227_plus-2-.jpg shown in Figure 2 above.

    The Add Related pane opens.
  2. Click 202073388_expenses_icon.jpg

    The Add Expenses multi-find window opens. ​
Tip: An existing Expense Sheet can be selected from the Add Expenses multi-find window.
  1. Follow Steps 3 through 11 of Adding New Expenses to a Project via The Ribbon, above.