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Planview Customer Success Center

GetObjectByID Function

GetObjectByID (entityType as String, sysId as ObjectIdentifier) as ObjectIdentifier

Category: ObjectReference
Description: Returns a specific object, where the 'entity' parameter denotes the entity type and the 'ID' is the system ID of the object.
Supported Context: BusinessRules
entityType as String Represents the entity type of the desired object (i.e Project). You can access all the available entity types using the values denoted in the "Class" option in the "Pick lists" tab of the formula helper
sysId as ObjectIdentifier Represents the system ID of the desired object
Returned value as ObjectIdentifier Returns a reference to the object specified in the "sysID" parameter
Example #1


Common entities that can be used: Customer, Contact Person, File, Issue, Report, Resource, Request, User, Work Item