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Planview Customer Success Center

Configuration Quotas

You can customize ​AdaptiveWork by creating custom fields, custom actions, data objects, workflow rules, scheduled workflow rules, and validation rules. You can also use the API for even more customization options.

Each of the customization elements have a set of limitations that can be definitive, daily, or hourly based. The limitations are also dependent on edition type and/or number of licenses.

The limitations according to type include the following:

Number of Customization Elements per Edition

  Enterprise Unlimited
Custom Fields 150 10000*

Rollup Summary Fields

15 80

Relation Summary

10 25
Business Rules (Workflow rules, Validation rules, Scheduled) 200


Scheduled Business Rules

up to 50*** up to 120***

Scheduled Workflows


Actions per Business Rule

Custom Actions 100 500
Send reports via workflow rules Up to 50 a day** Up to 120 a day**

Number of Support Mailboxes

3 3

Number of Global Mailboxes

10 10

Number of Entity Specific Mailboxes

Unlimited Unlimited

InterAct Rules

200 1000

Number of Emails for Support Mailboxes Per Day



Number of Emails to Global and Entity Mailboxes Per Day

1000 5000

* Up to 500 custom fields are allowed per super-class.

**Depending on the number of licenses. 

***Including all scheduled components (reports, dashboards, and business rules

Workflow Rule Action Quotas

When creating a workflow rule of all types (Custom Action, Scheduled, Standard), you can add up to 10 actions.

Each conditional action defined in a rule will count as a new rule, so that if you create a custom action with a conditional action within, it will count as two separate custom actions. (Meaning that each conditional action can contain up to 10 sub-actions).

To see a full list of all Actions and examples, click here

The following workflow rule actions are processed in the job server, meaning that they don't happen in real time and may take several minutes to display updated data:

  • Send Email Action
  • Send Update Request
  • Outbound Call
  • Rescheduling Action

Scheduled Workflow Rule Quotas

Scheduled workflow rules are only available for enterprise edition users.

If the Workflow identifies up to 10,000 objects upon initiation of the workflow, but the number of objects increases above the 10,000 objects threshold during the process, then the workflow will pause at 10,000 objects and resume an hour later.

If the Workflow identifies more than 10,000 objects upon initiation of the workflow, then the workflow will not run. In such cases, an error message is displayed in the log. We recommend updating the conditions of the workflow, which can include splitting the workflow into multiple workflows.

Each conditional action defined in a rule will count as a new rule, so that if you create a custom action with a conditional action within, it will count as two separate custom actions. (Meaning that each conditional action can contain up to 10 sub-actions)

The following objects will be excluded during a scheduled run:

Regular Objects:

  • Any deleted object
  • Disabled users/job titles/customers
  • Canceled work items
  • Objects that have not been updated in over 6 weeks

Link Objects:

  • When both of the referenced objects meet one of the above criteria


  • Active users, regardless of their update status, will always be included in scheduled rule runs.
  • Workflow criteria is evaluated only once for all objects, and thereafter for newly created or modified objects. As items are evaluated according to the workflow rule, but the execution may occur at a different time, time functions may not work as expected.
  • The evaluation criteria only checks attributes of the current object. Look at the following workflow criteria created on the Bug entity:
    $State="Opened" AND IsMemberOf("Dev", $AssignedTo)
    The workflow runs based on updates to the Bug entity, and not on the related group (linked using 'IsMemberOf'). Therefore the workflow criteria will not recognize any updates if a new user is added to the group. Only updates to the Bug attributes (for example, State) will trigger the re-evaluation of the workflow.

Workflow Rules on Related Quotas

Workflow rules can be run on related objects, for example, to update the state of Issues linked to a work item.

These rules can run on a maximum number of 1,500 related objects per run.

Additionally, you are only able to access items that are either directly related to the current object, or related via a link.

Access a project field that is related to an Issue via the "To be resolved in" reference to object field
Access an Issue related to a work item - this occurs via the 'Related Work' link

To view all object and link relations, see the AdaptiveWork Data Model.

Additional Business Rule Quotas

If a business rule fails to run more than 20 times due to an error, its state is automatically set to "failed", and it cannot be subsequently triggered.

To return a rule to active, an admin user must access the rule and fix the failure issue.

There is an on-request configurable system parameter that controls the number of days after which the system will reset the error count for business rules.

Custom Field Quotas

Custom fields of certain types consume multiple custom fields from your organization's quota:

The data types and their allotted value are as such:

  • Duration fields count as 2 fields
  • Reference to Object fields count as 1-3 fields depending on the relation selected (Selecting a super class such as Work Items or All Issue Types, uses up 3 fields, while using a leaf class, such as Tasks or Risks, only counts as 1 field)
  • Currency fields count as 3 fields
Note: Deleted fields located in the Customization recycle bin are still counted against the allotted number of allowed custom fields

Quotas for Custom Fields

Quotas for custom fields are counted by the "physical fields", meaning fields that count as 3 fields (duration, currency, reference to super class) are considered 3 physical fields.

For example - if your organization has 5 fields as follows:

1 numeric field 3 text fields 1 duration

Then the total number of physical fields will be 6 fields, and will be counted against your quota as such.

Reports Quotas

The use of the Reports & Dashboards modules are based on several licensing limitations:

  • Requestor (formerly Social) users, Time & expense users and Team members do not have access to the module itself
  • Scheduling is only available to Admin Users as it uses Scheduled Workflow rules quota

In addition the following table details the availability for each of our license editions.




Formula columns

15 per report



3 per business question

3 per business question

Scheduled reports

1 per hour

2 per hour

Scheduled Dashboards

1 per hour

2 per hour

Total scheduled components

Up to 50

Up to 120

InterAct Limitations

Organizations using InterAct have a limitation on the total number of rules allowed as such:

  • Enterprise Edition - 200 rules
  • Unlimited Edition - 1000 rules

These rules can be disbursed among all mailbox types as needed. That means that an organization can potentially have one mailbox with 50 rules within.

When creating an InterAct, you can add up to 10 actions.

Each conditional action defined in a rule will count as a new rule, so that if you create an InterAct rule with a conditional action in it, it will count as two separate InterAct rules. (Meaning that each conditional action can contain up to 10 sub-actions)

Learn more about InterAct.

Formula Quotas

Character Count Limitation

There is a character count limitation of 4000 chars allowed in formulas within customization elements.

Formula inputs exceeding 4000 chars will not be able to be saved, and an error will be received.

Formula Complexity

There is a limit in the complexity allowed within a formula, for example, using nested functions (i.e. an If within an If within an If within an If to the nth degree).

This limitation changes depending on the formula nesting attempted, but will always return the error "The formula entered is not optimized for performance or too complex.

Please optimize/simplify the formula and try again.

Overall Time and Execution Thresholds Throughout the System

The below are time and execution thresholds allowed per activity.

Where the "Duration Threshold" indicates how long an activity can run until aborted (in seconds) and

"Count Threshold" indicates the quantity allowed per execution in a given time period.

In some cases, the "CountThreshold" will be multiplied by the number of active licenses in an organization.

Standard Business Rule Action

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 10 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Standard Business Rule Action on Related

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 20 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Update Field Action

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 10 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Update Field on Related

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 20 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Add Object Action

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 10 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Add Object From Template

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 150 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Business Rule Evaluation Criteria

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 5 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Conditional Action

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 5 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Scheduled Business Rule Evaluation Criteria

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 5 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Overall Business Rule Execution

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 170 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Overall Scheduled Business Rule Execution

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 150 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Roll Up Field Calculations

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 20 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 500 times * active licenses per hour

Creation from Template Execution

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 150 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Import Issues

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 150 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

Import Users

Duration Threshold: Cannot run more than 150 seconds

Count Threshold: Cannot run more than 10,000 times * active licenses per hour

API Limitations

API Web Services Governance is made up of following areas:

  • Request batch limiting: The total number of requests that can be processed in one call to the web service is 100
  • Request limiting: The total size of the requests sent in one call to the web service must not exceed 25 MB
  • Call limiting: 1,000 API calls per license (Full, Time and Expense, and Team Member) per day with a maximum of 1,000,000 calls per day. Email and Requestor (formerly Social) licenses are not counted.
  • Rate Limiting: Up to 25 requests per second
    • A bulk request (multiple calls in a single request) is supported, however depending on its position in the queue, subsequent calls may not go through
    • Internal tools and apps, for example, SCIM-based user provisioning, DataLoader, and Doc Publisher are excluded from this quota
      For more information, see Mitigating the API Rate-Limit.

Read more about API.

Usage Quotas

The "Usage Quotas" page available in the "Customizations" and "InterAct" tabs in the "Settings" page of AdaptiveWork allows your organization to see the overall usage of customization elements.

Usage Quotas for Business Rules and InterAct

Usage Quotas for Business Rules, Scheduled Workflow Rules, Custom Actions,

InterAct Rules and Global Mailboxes count only those items that are "Enabled".

That means that rules and mailboxes that are "Disabled" will not be counted against your allowed usage quotas.

Usage Quotas for Custom Fields

Usage Quotas for Custom Fields of all types count the total number of physical fields.

These include fields that are in the "Deleted Fields" section, which will only be removed from the usage quota after they have been permanently deleted.


Field Type Limitations

Each Field Type has min / max value limitations in UI (User Interface) as follows:

Data Type

Length/Sample max value in UI

Controlling Pick List

256 characters


Max 999Q + currency code (3 characters)

Currency / Rollup


Min. 8 characters (dd/MM/yy)

Max 10 characters (yyyy/MM/dd)




Date / Formula

Date / Relations Sum

Date / Rollup

Dependent Pick List

256 characters


29999999 Minutes

1680000 Hours 

70000 Days

17500 Weeks 

2333 Months 

Duration / Formula

Duration / Rollup

Multi-Select Pick List

256 characters per value 


32K characters

(please note that spaces, font styles, paragraphs, bullets and numbering consume additional characters)


Max 999Q


Max 999Q

Pick List

256 characters 

Pick List / Formula

Reference To Object

256 characters( e.g. Project / Task Titles) 

512 characters (e.g. Action Items)

Reference To Object / Formula

Rich Text Area

1993 characters

(Please note that standard Overview fields support up to 32K characters)


2000 characters

(Please note that spaces & paragraphs consume additional characters)

Text Area

2000 characters

(Please note that spaces & paragraphs consume additional characters)



URL / Formula

2000 characters 

Decimal places for numeric / currency values Up to 9 decimal places