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Planview Customer Success Center

Per Project Time Approval Settings

You can now select the approver for timesheets per Project, overriding organization-level settings. This allows you to decide whether the Direct Manager or Project Manager can approve timesheets. This is especially useful when you want Project Managers to approve billable projects and direct managers to approve non-billable projects.

A new Time Approval field has been added to the Project properties, where you can select the approver. This field only appears when Approval Flow is set to Require approval in your System Settings.



You must be an AdaptiveWork administrator to view and edit your System Setttings.


Selecting an approver for projects

To select approvers for an individual project:
  1. Open the Projects module in List View. 
  2. Locate the row project you want to modify.
  3. In the Time Approval column select one of the following options:
    • Direct Manager - the Direct Manager can approve timesheets for this project
    • None Needed - time entries are approved automatically
    • Project Manager - the Project Manager can approve timesheets for this project
    • Blank - this project will use the system settings for timesheet approval



If you do not want Project Managers to utilize this feature and you are an administrator, you can remove the Time Approval field from the relevant profile or implement custom validation rules.