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Planview Customer Success Center

Activate asset placeholder(s)

This page describes how to activate deleted asset placeholders in your organization. 

As an alternative, you can use the following options to create, update and delete objects in AdaptiveWork:

  • Business rules (Workflow, Scheduled Workflow, Custom Actions) in the Configuration of your organization.
  • Data loader functionality by uploading Excel (xls, xlsx) or csv files. The Data Loader uses API calls for its functionality and therefore adheres to the API governance and specifications defined by AdaptiveWork. 
  • The REST API Data Service supporting the basic CRUD operations.


Who can do this? 

Your organization's Admin can define whether your Profile has access to this module and if you can add or delete items. Profile configuration for the entity will define related items, fields, actions and other layouts that Users will access to.

  1. Go to the Asset Placeholders module.

  2. Filter the grid using the State field and set it to 'Inactive'. 
  3. Select the deleted asset placeholder(s) in the grid.
  4. From the Common ribbon , click Activate.

The asset placeholder(s) are activated and their state set to Active.