Timesheet Approval Delegation
You can delegate different users to approve timesheets. This is especially useful when people go on vacation or are on extended leave. This way, timesheets are not left unapproved, thus avoiding delays to processing actuals.
Each delegated approver can be assigned a specific day or time periods.
Enabling Approval Delegates
An administrator must enable this feature for your organization before you can use timesheet approval delegates.
To enable timesheet approval delegates:
- Go to Profile > Item Types > Users and Resources > Groups and Users > User.
- In Fields and Relations, click Related Items.
- In the pop-up, select Timesheet Approval Delegates from the Available column.
- Click on the right-facing carets (>>) to move it to Your Selections.
- Click OK.
Adding Delegates
Once timesheet approval delegates are enabled, you can start adding delegates.
To add timesheet approval delegates:
- Go to My Details and click Add Related +.
- From the menu, click Timesheet Approval Delegates. This opens the Timesheet Approval Delegates panel.
- In the panel, click Add Timesheet Approval Delegates.
You can select a user to act as your delegate and specify how long they are authorized to approve timesheets on your behalf. Administrators can also designate delegates on your behalf.
In Configurations
Use the delegation approval link in Configurations to set up delegates for different time periods or a specific day of the week. Set up advanced workflows, for example; do not allow delegations to external users, or post to discussions when delegations are added so that admins can track the new delegations.
In reports you can use the Timesheet Approval Delegate link to see which users have delegated approvers, and see the assigned delegates.