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Planview Customer Success Center

Hours Function

Hours (number as Numeric, isWorking as Boolean) as Duration

Category: Date
Description: Returns duration value in hours. If IsWorking (optional parameter, default is FALSE) set to TRUE returns only the working duration.
Supported Context: FormulaField And BusinessRules
number as Numeric Numeric value or reference to a numeric field
isWorking as Boolean An optional parameter that indicates whether the return value will show calendar hours or working hours, where "TRUE" will return working hours and "FALSE" calendar hours. If null, value will default to "FALSE"
Returned value as Duration Returns a duration value in hours equal to the number specified in the "number" parameter either as working hours or calendar hours as determined in the "isWorking" parameter
Example #1

Add a formula based custom field that will supply a rough estimation (in hours) for the resolution of an issue, based on other fields that specify that complexity and priority of the issue. Set within the formula the hours function to automatically set the duration to 7 hours.


  • To update standard date/date time fields, use workflow rules
  • Review other date and duration useful functions, such as DateAdd(), ToDate(), etc
Related Functions

