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Planview Customer Success Center

Add legacy roadmap widget to Projects

The legacy roadmap is still available in the application and can be added via a custom panel to Projects. To enable this functionality, you can configure a custom panel and have it visible on your projects for relevant profiles.

Create a Custom panel for the Project entity

  1. Go to Settings > Configuration > Project and add a custom panel. mceclip1.png
  2. Under the Visibility rules, set the height to 243.
  3. Under the Set Content, select URL and type the following function:
    {GetWidgetHyperLink(currentobject(),"roadmap", $DueDate, True ,False)}
  4. Click Save and Enable. The custom panel named "Legacy roadmap" has been added to the Project entity.
  5. Add the following custom CSS to the global settings. Note that you can use a different name for the custom panel and adjust the CSS:
    div[data-relation="Legacy roadmap"].ext-rel-p_roadmapping .ext-view-title {display:none;}

  6. Click Save.

Provide access to relevant Profiles

  1. Go to Settings > Profiles
  2. Under each Profile, go to Project and edit the Related items.
  3. Add the "Legacy roadmap" custom panel.
  4. Click Save.


Customize Project Views

  1. In the Project Views, edit the settings.
  2. Add the "Legacy Roadmap" custom panel and hide new roadmap.
  3. Click Save. The legacy roadmap is now added to the view.


Congratulations! You have added the Legacy roadmap to your project views.