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Planview Customer Success Center

Cleaning up Capacity Planner's Net Availability

The Capacity Planner is Daptiv PPM’s primary application for conducting resource capacity analysis, viewing net resource availability, and reconciling requirements. In the next release, we’re making a simple change that will enhance the way you use the Capacity Planner: Now when you access the Capacity Planner application requirements from all unplanned workspaces are excluded in Net Availability calculations by default. With this change, only the Planned workspaces will be included in the Net Availability calculations.

By excluding unplanned workspaces, Capacity Planner gives a truer picture of Net Availability because it only includes planned workspaces, the workspaces you’ve committed to starting. You can then manually include unplanned workspaces or exclude planned workspaces on an individual basis to model the impact the new requirements have on Net Availability.

Additionally, your selections in the Unplanned section of the Capacity Planner will persist from session to session. This way, you can always return and make tweaks to the mix of workspaces that you want in your resource projections.