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Planview Customer Success Center

05. Program and Customer-centric Presentations

What's New?

Create presentations using the Slide Publisher app around Program or Customer entities, in addition to the Project.

Support for Program in Slide Publisher provides Program Managers and executives top-level aggregated report views of projects, including all related items as well as a Program roadmap.

Note: To use Program in Slide Publisher, the Program feature must be enabled for your organization.

The newly added Customer option lets you create customer-centric slides or complete presentations around the customer perspective.

Examples of Program-centric slides





Examples of Customer-centric slides




How it works

When creating a presentation, choose the main entity.


For repeating slides, the repeating slides will display sub-projects under the top-level entity (Program, Project or Customer).


Must I reinstall the Slide Publisher app?


There are now three apps in the Apps Marketplace:

  • Program app - Install this app if you are going to work with the Program entity.
    Note: The Program entity will only work if Program is enabled in your organization.
  • Customer app - Install this app if you are going to work with the Customer entity.
  • An all-in-one app that includes Program, Project and Customer entities. Install this app if you do not have the Slide Publisher for Project app installed.

Are there new templates available for Program and Customer?


New templates have been added in the Apps Marketplace for Program and Customer. The following templates are now available:

For techies

Just like the Custom Action used for publishing slides for the Project entity, new Custom Actions have been added to the Configure settings for Customer and Program entities.