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Planview Customer Success Center

IsCustomActionAvailable Function

IsCustomActionAvailable (customAction as ObjectIdentifier, targetObject as ObjectIdentifier, user as ObjectIdentifier) as Boolean

Category: Common
Description: Returns TRUE if the specified custom action is enabled and the specified user has permission to execute it
Supported Context: BusinessRules

customAction as ObjectIdentifier(Custom Operation)

targetObject as ObjectIdentifier(Project, Work Item, GenericTask, User, ResourceEntity, Organization, Dependency, WorkItemHierarchyLink, Milestone, Regular Human Resource, Human Resource, Attachment, Discussion, JobTitle, Timesheet, Customer, ContactPerson, CustomerLink, Expense Sheet, Expense Entry, Case, Issue, Risk, Bug, EnhancementRequest, Related Work, Team Member, Skill, UserGroup, Group, GroupMemberLink, CaseCustomerLink, ShortcutLink, ProgressImpactLink, Reviewer, Rate Holder, SkillLink, GroupHierarchyLink, DiscussionGroup, GroupLink, GroupProjectLink, GroupTaskLink, GroupCustomerLink, GroupCaseLink, DiscussionMessage, DiscussionPost, DiscussionReply, Topic)

user as ObjectIdentifier(User)

Returned value as Boolean