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Planview Customer Success Center

GetHyperLink Function

GetHyperLink (referenceField/className as String, objectId as String) as String

Category: Common
Description: Creates and returns a hyperlink to an object.
Supported Context: BusinessRules
referenceField/className as String An optional field that represents a reference to a class name (i.e.currentobject() or $Document)
objectId as String An optional field that represents a specific object's system ID (i.e. P-101)
Returned value as String Returns a URL to the specified object
Example #1

Create a workflow rule that automatically sends an email to the work item manager when the work items actual effort and remaining effort exceed the set work. The email will contain a hyperlink to that work item. Within the email body, insert a message that looks as follows: "items task1 updated efforts (14h) from the team exceed the original estimated effort (5h)", where task1 is a hyperlink to that task.

Item {GetHyperLink(CurrentObject())}updated efforts( {$ActualEffort+$RemainingEffort} ) from the team exceed the original estimated efforts( {$work} )

Example #2

Create a workflow rule on the "Attachment" link class that will automatically send an email to the work item's manager whenever a document is added to a work item. Within the email body supply the hyperlink to both the document as well as the work item itself.

Document: {GetHyperLink($Document)} was added to {GetHyperLink($Entity)}

  • If you would like to place hard coded values into the hyperlink (e.g. certain users, projects, etc) you can use the GetHyperlink() function as follows: GetHyperlink('Project','P-001')
  • To create automatic emails within workflow rules, select the “Send Email” option from within the Select Action List drop down
Note This function is only available for business rules