Relation fields support
Relation fields allow the User to visualize data that is related to the project, case, or portfolio he is managing. Project Managers can now add for example resources to the Project Grid and manage the resource assignment for their Tasks.
Relation fields are displayed:
- In the Right-Side-panel > Related tab
- In the Details panel
- In the Grid
Users can also add relation fields to the filters and manage work in a more Agile way. For example, you can filter the views based on the Labor Resources and make resource load and assignment decision.
Below is the list of supported Relation fields in Hybrid Work:
Portfolios |
Projects |
Program |
Milestone |
Task |
Cases |
Custom Object |
Files |
Files |
Files |
Files |
Files |
Files |
Action Items |
Action Items |
Customers |
Resources |
Resources |
Resources |
Customers |
Meeting Notes |
Contributions |
Resources |
Groups |
Topics |
Groups |
Groups |
Decisions |
Decisions |
Groups |
Topics |
Predecessors |
Topics |
Topics |
Followers |
Meeting Notes |
Job Titles |
Risks |
Successors |
Predecessors |
Action items |
Objectives |
Topics |
Requests |
Risks |
Successors |
Decisions |
Targets |
Predecessors |
Issues |
Requests |
Risks |
Meeting notes |
Projects |
Successors |
Action Items |
Issues |
Requests |
Team members |
Programs |
Risks |
Cases |
Action Items |
Issues |
Work items |
Requests |
Contributions |
Cases |
Action Items |
Issues |
Decisions |
Contributions |
Cases |
Action Items |
Impacting |
Decisions |
Contributions |
Cases |
Meeting Notes |
Impacted By |
Decisions |
Contributions |
Objectives |
Impacting |
Impacted By |
Decisions |
Portfolios |
Meeting Notes |
Impacting |
Impacted By |
Reviewers |
Objectives |
Meeting Notes |
Impacting |
Sub items |
Originated Cases |
Objectives |
Meeting Notes |
Targets |
Reviewers |
Originated Cases |
Objectives |
Work Item’s aggregated fixed price resources |
Shortcut in |
Reviewers |
Originated Cases |
Aggregated Labor resources |
Shortcuts |
Shortcut in |
Portfolios |
Aggregated Non Labor resources |
Snapshot Versions |
Shortcuts |
Reviewers |
Work Item’s direct fixed price resources |
Sub items |
Snapshot versions |
Shortcut in |
Non Labor Resources |
Targets |
Sub items |
Shortcuts |
Permissions |
Work Item’s aggregated fixed price resources |
Targets |
Snapshot Versions |
Bugs |
Aggregated Non Labor resources |
Work Item’s direct fixed price resources |
Sub Items |
Work Item’s direct fixed price resources |
Labor resources |
Targeted Cases |
Non Labor Resources |
Non Labor resources |
Targets |
Project Customers |
Project Customers |
Versions |
Active Stopwatch Users |
Active Stopwatch Users |
Work Item’s aggregated fixed price resources |
Tasks |
Bugs |
Aggregated Labor resources |
Project Customers |
Aggregated Non Labor resources |
Bugs |
Work Item’s direct fixed price resources |
Labor resources |
Non Labor resources |
Project Customers |
Bugs |
Active Stopwatch users |