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Planview Customer Success Center

Invite a single User

You can invite a new User from your organization’s People module, regardless of whether or not invitees are part of your organization.  When you add this User to your People list, you're inviting them using the specific email address used in the invitation to your organization. 

Who can do this? 

Your organization's Admin user can define whether new users may be added by any internal user, Admin and Super users, or Admin users only, which is done in the Organization, Users, Licenses section of the System Settings.

  1. Go to the People module.
  2. Click Invite User. The Invite User window opens. 

  3. Enter the invitee's email address.

    If you invite a user with the wrong email address, and they end up creating a new account, you'll need to re-invite the user with their correct email and remove access for the other account. If they create any data while logged in with the wrong account, that content will still exist but will remain associated with their wrong account. 

    Accepting invitees who are not part of your organization are issued a 30 day temporary license, and you (the inviter) are notified of the acceptance by email. Your organization's Admin user is notified and can setup the User with licensing and other system settings. 
  4. Click Invite. The Invitation Sent message appears confirming the action.

    People invited to AdaptiveWork receive an email invitation with links for initial ‘set up and activation’ of their new AdaptiveWork account; a one time only procedure. The invitation is valid for 72 hours.