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Planview Customer Success Center

Tasktop Sync Release Notes - 4.35.2

Posted: July 18, 2023

Upgrade Notes

Connector-Specific Upgrade Notes

Tricentis Tosca

  • 131392: If your Tosca integration is using the CreatedAt, ModifiedAt, or EndTime String fields, you will have to reconfigure your mapping to synchronize them as Date Time fields.


Sync Fixes


  • 132318: Fixed an issue where the logging level in tasktop-sync.log file was set to TRACE by default. It is now set to DEBUG along with the rest of the Sync logs. Changed the default location of the log directory to workspace/tasktop/log.

Connector-Specific Fixes

Atlassian Jira

  • 133094: Added "Resource Parameter" and "Key ID" fields to OpenID Connect Private Key Signed JWT Authentication.
  • 131974: Improved the error message that appears when a Jira user lacks creation permissions.
  • 131666: Fixed an issue that prevented searches without a type selected.
  • 131466: Fixed an issue where errors were thrown with null worklogs in the Jira Tempo plugin.
  • 124716: Fixed an issue that converted extra-wide ideographic space into normal-width space.

Microsoft SharePoint

  • 116713: Fixed an issue where retrieving SharePoint artifacts without summaries failed.

Planview AgilePlace

  • 130106: Fixed an issue that sometimes occurred when retrieving a card's planning increments.

Planview Portfolios

  • 132758: Fixed an issue that prevented containers from being listed when a container had an empty description field.

Polarion ALM

  • 131643: Fixed an issue where improperly exposed Web Links fields prevented Relationships fields from being mapped and synchronized.
  • 131471: Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in duplicate or extraneous fields existing in the schema.
  • 131433: Fixed an issue where invalid URIs prevented artifacts from being retrieved from Polarion.


  • 131953: Fixed an issue where the Formatted ID field was sometimes missing.


  • 132693: Fixed an issue that sometimes occurred when updating artifacts with Catalog Items.
  • 132025: Fixed an issue where duplicate ServiceNow users sometimes prevented artifacts from being synchronized.
  • 131822: Fixed an issue that prevented the correct decoding of the '&' symbol within URL parameters during pagination.
  • 132148: Fixed an issue that prevented person fields from being synchronized.

Tricentis Tosca

  • 131392: Fixed an issue where an error appeared when mapping Tosca standard date fields to a Date in the model.


Connector-Specific Features

Atlassian Jira

  • 132910: Added support for Atlassian Jira Service Management version 5.9.
  • 132909: Added support for Atlassian Jira version 9.9.
  • 132239: Added support for Atlassian Jira version 9.8.
  • 132238: Added support for Atlassian Jira Service Management version 5.8.
  • 131899: Added support for OpenID Connect signed JWT authentication.
  • 131367: Added support for OpenID Connect Private Key Signed JWT authentication. Agility

  • 131934: Added support for Agility version 23.1.

Micro Focus ALM Octane

  • 132741: Added support for Authentication Chain: API Key with Two Way SSL authentication.
  • 131935: Added support for Micro Focus ALM Octane version 16.1.200.

Micro Focus ALM/Quality Center

  • 131803: Added support for Micro Focus ALM version 17.0.1.

Micro Focus Dimensions RM

  • 131229: Added support for Micro Focus Dimensions RM version 12.11.

Polarion ALM

  • 132104: Added support for Polarion ALM version 2304.


  • 131900: Added support for OpenID Connect signed JWT authentication.
  • 131367: Added support for OpenID Connect Private Key Signed JWT authentication.

Tricentis Tosca

  • 132742: Added support for Tricentis Tosca version 2023.1.