- Where can I learn about specific connectors like Jira, Jama, etc?
- How can I find User Guides for previous versions of Planview Hub?
- What is Hub's underlying architecture?
- How does Hub scale to meet Enterprise needs?
- How does Planview ensure security of customer information?
- How are users counted in Hub?
- How do I ensure business continuity?
- If I click 'Process All Artifacts,' what exactly will process?
- If Comment Flow (or Attachment Flow) is enabled, will only newly added comments (or attachments) sync over?
- Does Tasktop need to be restarted when configuration changes are made?
- What are Smart Fields?
- What does making a model field "required" mean?
- What does "allow unmapped values to flow" mean for a single select or multi select field?
- If a conflict occurs on one mapped field on an artifact, do we synchronize the remaining fields that aren’t in conflict or does that one conflict block the rest of the fields from synchronizing?
- How does Hub handle field values with the same label?
- How can I learn what transforms are available?
- How does Hub's built-in person reconciliation algorithm work?
- How does Hub determine that a field in project 1 is the same field as in project 2?
- How do I automate internal workflows using Hub's public API?
- What is a Concurrency Limit? How does it differ from the Integration Maximum Concurrency Limit?
- Why shouldn't I change artifact type in my repository after an artifact has synchronized?
- How does Hub change detection work?
- What's the difference between Continuous Delivery and Long Term Support?
- When will Hub add or remove support for a repository version?
- What can I do to lessen the performance impact on my external repositories?
- Does Hub support artifact deletion across repositories?
- What is the difference between 'Process All Artifacts' and 'Initiate Synchronization'?
- What are the differences between Time Interval and Cron Expression?
- Does Hub support the use of reverse proxies?
- What does the Hub deployment process look like?