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Do I need to perform additional steps for TFS upon upgrading?

Last Updated: June   |  Applicable Hub Versions: All


For Windows

  1. If you have connected to the Microsoft Azure DevOps (formerly TFS) repository in the past:
    • Remove all files and folders, except for the com.tasktop files, under <install-location>\Tasktop\connectors\microsoft-tfs and <program-data>\Tasktop\libraries\microsoft-tfs. Note that the parent folders (marked in red here) for each location could differ if they were customized during original installation. 
    • Once Planview Hub is started up again, navigate to the Azure DevOps repository connection screen. There, you will see instructions on how to provide the updated SDK and CLC files to Planview Hub by adding them to the connector-requirements directory on the machine that hosts Planview Hub.
    • Restart Planview Hub after uploading the files.
  2. Start Planview.
  3. Navigate to the Activity screen.

    • Review the Background Jobs tab to review status on Integration Data Migration jobs.
      • Resolve any associated issues shown here. These issues will need to be resolved and their associated data migration jobs completed before the affected integrations can run (unrelated integrations should continue to process). 
      • Once the associated issue is resolved, failed Integration Data Migration processes can be prioritized using the 'prioritize' button on the Background Jobs tab. Ensure that these jobs complete successfully.
    • Review the Issues tab to resolve any configuration issues.
      • If there are configuration migration issues, those will be shown in the Issues tab. They will block affected integrations from running (but unrelated integrations should continue to process). Once the source of the issue is resolved, configuration migration issues can be retried using the 'retry' button on the Issues tab.
      • If using Azure DevOps, you may see issues related to unsatisfied connector requirements since you may need to upload new versions of the Azure DevOps SDK and CLC zip files.
    • Review the Errors tab to resolve any errors related to specific integration activities.
    • Once all issues and errors are resolved, the internal upgrade will complete and information will begin processing for those affected integrations.
  4. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 19.4.1, please see details regarding the Troubleshooting User here.

For Linux

  1. If you have connected to the Microsoft TFS repository in the past:
    • Remove all files and folders, except for the com.tasktop files, under <install-location>\Tasktop\libraries\microsoft-tfs and <install-location>\Tasktop\connectors\microsoft-tfs.
    • Once Hub is started up again, navigate to the TFS repository connection screen. There, you will see instructions on how to provide the updated SDK and CLC files to Hub by adding them to the connector-requirements directory on the machine that hosts Hub.  
    • Restart Hub after uploading the files.
  2. Start Hub.

  3. Navigate to the Activity screen.
    • Review the Background Jobs tab to review status on Integration Data Migration jobs.
      • Resolve any associated issues shown here. These issues will need to be resolved and their associated data migration jobs completed before the affected integrations can run (unrelated integrations should continue to process). 
      • Once the associated issue is resolved, failed Integration Data Migration processes can be prioritized using the 'prioritize' button on the Background Jobs tab. Ensure that these jobs complete successfully.
    • Review the Issues tab to resolve any configuration issues.
      • If there are configuration migration issues, those will be shown in the Issues tab. They will block affected integrations from running (but unrelated integrations should continue to process). Once the source of the issue is resolved, configuration migration issues can be retried using the 'retry' button on the Issues tab.
    • Review the Errors tab to resolve any errors related to specific integration activities.
    • Once all issues and errors are resolved, the internal upgrade will complete and information will begin processing for those affected integrations.
  4. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 19.4.1, please see details regarding the Troubleshooting User here.

See additional information on upgrading here.