Installation and Maintenance
- How do I import my license key into Hub?
- How do I upgrade Hub?
- How do I configure which port Hub uses?
- How do I set up Hub to run as a service on Linux?
- How do I configure Hub to use HTTPS?
- What is the Secure Password Storage Security Level and Master Password?
- Where are the program files, configuration files, and logs for Hub located?
- Why am I unable to access Hub after bookmarking the login page?
- How can I run Hub on port 443 (the standard SSL port) when I don’t have super user (root) permissions?
- How do I only keep the last two weeks of Tomcat logs?
- I’ve forgotten my password to the Hub User Administration Console (KeyCloak). How do I get back in?
- If I forget my master password, how can I remove or change it?
- How can I increase Hub's session time-out?
- Where is the context stored for Hub and Keycloak? How can I setup a “persistent volume claim” so that I don’t lose that context when either the Keycloak container or Hub container are restarted?
- What practices can I take to reduce "open redirect" security vulnerabilities?
- How can I improve REST API traffic to a repository by using a load balancer?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.2?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.3?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.4?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 21.1?
- After upgrade, will my integrations automatically resume running?
- How can I override the default socket timeout for my operational database?
- How do I configure the max days I'd like to keep Hub log files?
- How do I move my Hub Instance to a new server?
- How do I migrate my Hub configuration between databases?