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Planview Customer Success Center

What are the feature differences between Hub Cloud and Hub On-prem?

Last Updated: August 11,      |  Applicable Hub Versions: 18.4 and later


Since many configuration elements on cloud are managed by Hub, users will notice some configuration elements absent from the cloud UI, in addition to a few key feature differences outlined below.

On Cloud,

  • Hub manages operational database configuration; therefore users will not see configuration options in the UI
  • Hub manages the user license; therefore users will not see configuration options in the UI
  • Hub manages data encryption; therefore users will not see master password configuration options in the UI
  • User administration is accessed directly within the Planview Hub UI, and cannot be accessed via the external User Administration Console
  • Error Notification Emails can be configured, but the e-mail server is managed by Hub and therefore cannot be configured via the UI.  
  • The following Prebuilt Integration Patterns are not available:
    • Code Traceability: Create and Relate a Changeset
    • Code Traceability: Update Existing Work Item
  • The following connectors are not available:
    • IBM Rational DOORS
    • Hub Cloud can only connect to On Prem repositories if customer allows such network connections though their firewall (see details here)
  • The following connector authentication methods are not available:
    • IBM RTC Kerberos/SPNEGO SSO authentication
  • For enhanced security, repository connections must connect via HTTPS