Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server
- Last updated
- Apr 22, 2024
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- Getting Started
- Installation Primer
- Quick Start Guide
- Key Concepts
- Step 1: Connect to Your Repository
- Step 2: Create or Reuse a Model
- Step 3: Create Your Collection(s)
- Step 4: Configure your Integration
- Step 5: Expand or Modify your Integration
- Configure your Hub to Hub Integration
- Troubleshooting
- Settings
- FAQs
- General
- Tasktop Joins Planview FAQ
- Deprecation of NTLM FAQ
- Does Hub need to be restarted when configuration changes are made?
- Does Hub support artifact deletion across repositories?
- Does Hub support the use of port forwarding/reverse proxies?
- How are users counted in Hub?
- How can I find User Guides for previous versions of Planview Hub?
- How can I learn what transforms are available?
- How does Hub's built-in person reconciliation algorithm work?
- How does Hub change detection work?
- How does Hub determine that a field in project 1 is the same field as in project 2?
- How does Hub handle field values with the same label?
- How does Hub scale to meet Enterprise needs?
- How does Planview ensure security of customer information?
- How do I automate internal workflows using Hub's public API?
- How do I ensure business continuity?
- If a conflict occurs on one mapped field on an artifact, do we synchronize the remaining fields that aren’t in conflict or does that one conflict block the rest of the fields from synchronizing?
- If Comment Flow (or Attachment Flow) is enabled, will only newly added comments (or attachments) sync over?
- If I click 'Process All Artifacts,' what exactly will process?
- What's Different in User Management Workflow with Keycloak Since Hub Version 24.4?
- What's the difference between Continuous Delivery and Long Term Support?
- What are Smart Fields?
- What are the differences between Time Interval and Cron Expression?
- What can I do to lessen the performance impact on my external repositories?
- What does "allow unmapped values to flow" mean for a single select or multi select field?
- What does 'back synchronization' mean?
- What does making a model field "required" mean?
- What does the Hub deployment process look like?
- What do the "special features" mean?
- What is a Concurrency Limit? How does it differ from the Integration Maximum Concurrency Limit?
- What is Planview Hub's underlying architecture?
- What is the difference between 'Process All Artifacts' and 'Initiate Synchronization'?
- When will Planview add or remove support for a repository version?
- Where can I learn about specific connectors like Jira, Jama, etc?
- Why shouldn't I change artifact type in my repository after an artifact has synchronized?
- Installation and Maintenance
- After upgrade, will my integrations automatically resume running?
- Does Planview Hub support Docker? (need to update)
- How can I improve REST API traffic to a repository by using a load balancer?
- How can I increase Hub's session time-out?
- How can I override the default socket timeout for my operational database?
- How can I run Hub on port 443 (the standard SSL port) when I don’t have super user (root) permissions?
- How do I configure Entra managed accounts with Azure SQL in Hub?
- How do I configure Hub to Hub client access?
- How do I configure Hub to use HTTPS?
- How do I configure the max days I'd like to keep Hub log files?
- How do I configure the PlanviewLinkBridgeUser role?
- How do I configure which port Hub uses?
- How do I import my license key into Hub?
- How do I migrate my Hub configuration between databases?
- How do I migrate my operational database from MySQL to PostgreSQL?
- How do I move my Hub Instance to a new server?
- How do I only keep the last two weeks of Tomcat logs?
- How do I prevent vulnerabilities in Windows OS?
- How do I set up Hub to run as a service on Linux?
- How do I upgrade Hub?
- If I forget my master password, how can I remove or change it?
- I’ve forgotten my password to the User Administration Console (Keycloak). How do I get back in?
- What is the Secure Password Storage Security Level and Master Password?
- What practices can I take to reduce "open redirect" security vulnerabilities?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.2?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.3?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.4?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 21.1?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 23.4?
- Where are the program files, configuration files, and logs for Hub located?
- Where is the context stored for Hub and Keycloak? How can I setup a “persistent volume claim” so that I don’t lose that context when either the Keycloak container or Hub container are restarted?
- Why am I unable to access Hub after bookmarking the login page?
- Troubleshooting
- How can I resolve a "too many files open" error?
- How can I resolve a 'certificate error' in my browser?
- How can I resolve a 'GC overhead limit exceeded (CCRRTT-30000E)' error?
- How do I change Hub's logging configuration?
- How do I troubleshoot in Hub?
- How often and in which interval does Hub retry errors?
- If I delete a previously synchronized artifact in one of my repositories and do not want it to be recreated, is there any way to 'blacklist' it in Hub?
- Log reads “Failed to acquire database lease. The database is in use by another instance of Hub.” What has happened?
- My log files are too big! How can I compress them to save space?
- Where can I find details on errors in Hub?
- Where can I find Hub logs?
- Why am I seeing errors for artifacts that don't even meet my artifact filtering criteria?
- Why do I get a timezone error when creating a database connection?
- Enterprise Data Stream
- Gateway
- Hub on Cloud
- How can I connect Hub Cloud to an On-prem repository?
- How can I resolve certificate validation errors?
- How do I import a CA certificate into my Hub Cloud instance?
- I'm getting a 403 error when I try to log in to my Cloud instance. What should I do?
- Planview Hub Cloud Migration FAQ
- Planview Hub Cloud Security FAQ
- What are the feature differences between Hub Cloud and Hub On-prem?
- What is Hub Cloud's underlying architecture?
- When is my Cloud instance upgraded?
- Connectors
- Can I write information to the Jira sprint field?
- Do I need to perform additional steps for TFS upon upgrading?
- How can I reduce the number of projects shown for Clarity in Hub?
- How can I resolve an error stating, 'Received fatal alert: handshake_failure'?
- How do I create a repository connection to Atlassian Jira On Demand with SSO enabled?
- How do I resolve the 'Too many persons found' error upon integrating with a Jira cloud instance?
- If the PTC Windchill RVS server is localized (i.e., installed on a non-English locale OS), will related objects also need to be localized?
- I received the exception 'PKIX path building failed ... unable to find valid certification path to requested target' when connecting to Team Foundation Server. How do I fix it?
- Jira Epic/Parent Link FAQ
- Jira GDPR Changes
- What happens if the Timesheet Hours per Day field does not match the timesheet configuration?
- Why are there so many files in my temp directory when I use the connector?
- Why do I get authentication errors for ALM/QC when I've correctly entered my credentials?
- Why do I get the error message 'Error while parsing file … expecting Index' while integrating with IBM DOORS?
- Why do I see an error stating 'This method is no longer supported by the catalog service' when querying Visual Studio Online (VSO) or Azure DevOps Services?
- General
- Planview Hub Product Releases
- 25.2 Release Notes
- 25.1 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.2
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.3
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.4
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.5
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.6
- 24.4 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.2
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.7
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.9
- 24.3 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.2
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.7
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.9
- 24.2 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.11
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.12
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.13
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.14
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.2
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.9
- 24.1 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.1
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.11
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.12
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.13
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.14
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.15
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.16
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.7
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.9
- 23.4 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.10
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.11
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.14
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.15
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.16
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.17
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.18
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.19
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.2
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.20
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.21
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.3
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.4
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.5
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.6
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.7
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.8
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.9
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.1
- Tasktop Sync Product Releases
- Planview Hub Editions
- Supported Repository Versions
- Connector Documentation
- Aha!
- Apptio Targetprocess
- Aras Innovator
- Asana
- Atlassian Jira
- Atlassian Jira Align
- Blueprint
- BMC Helix ITSM
- Broadcom Clarity
- Broadcom Rally
- Cherwell Service Management
- codebeamer
- Agility
- Release
- Git
- GitHub Issues
- GitLab Issues
- IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Family
- IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next
- IBM Engineering Workflow Management
- IBM Rational ClearQuest
- Jama Connect
- Microsoft Azure DevOps Server
- Microsoft Project Server
- Microsoft SharePoint
- Micro Focus ALM Octane
- Micro Focus ALM/Quality Center
- Micro Focus Dimensions RM
- Micro Focus PPM
- Micro Focus Solutions Business Manager
- Mozilla Bugzilla
- Pivotal Tracker
- Planview AdaptiveWork
- Planview AgilePlace
- Planview Enterprise Architecture
- Planview Portfolios
- Planview PPM Pro
- Planview Universal Connector
- Polarion ALM
- PTC Windchill
- PTC Windchill RVS
- Salesforce
- ServiceNow
- SmartBear QAComplete
- TestRail
- Trello
- Tricentis qTest
- Tricentis Tosca
- UiPath Test Manager
- WhiteHat Sentinel
- Zendesk
- Knowledge Resources
- Hub Videos
- Tasktop Customer Portal
Models are a terrific way to communicate structure, behavior, and interactions. By creating them during requirements elicitation, one can communicate concepts that can be very difficult to convey using text alone.
Integrating Sparx Enterprise Architect with requirements management, agile planning, and test management tools via Planview Hub’s Sparx Pro Cloud Server connector creates a fully end-to-end traceable and measurable software development process. Practitioners can collaborate on artifacts each from within their tool of choice, with data and handoffs flowing seamlessly between them.
Here’s an example scenario of using Sparx EA in an integrated IT toolchain:
- A business analyst performs the analysis and creates business process models in Sparx EA, refines the model into a set of requirements and creates traces among the requirements
- Hub, via Sparx Pro Cloud Server, mirrors those requirements (and their relationships) into a requirements management tool such as Jama or DOORS
- A business analyst would then use the requirements management tool to continue to refine the design and oversee their development
- Hub replicates the requirements into an Agile planning tool and a test management tool, enabling developers and testers the ability to develop and test in their tool of choice
Key Features and Benefits
- Via Sparx Pro Cloud Server, Hub synchronizes requirements in Sparx EA to other requirements management, Agile planning, test management, or other tool of choice, allowing information to flow freely.
- Hub improves collaboration by allowing business analysts to use the tool most appropriate for the job, while enabling developers, testers, and other teams to receive work in their tool of choice .
- Hub enables traceability between models and requirements in Sparx EA and other artifacts in SDLC tools.
Common Integration Patterns
Demo Videos
Supported Extensions
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (Sparx EA)
The Sparx Pro Cloud Server connector allows users to access artifacts within Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (Sparx EA). Users must have both Sparx EA and Sparx Pro Cloud Server in order to synchronize artifacts using Planview Hub. When configuring your Repository Connection in Hub, you will connect using your Sparx EA credentials.
Supported Editions
Planview Hub only provides support for ‘Premium Editions’ of Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server that allow unlimited tokens. Token Editions are not supported.
Connector Setup Details
This section describes the basic steps needed to prepare your Sparx Pro Cloud Server instance for use with Hub. Note that additional fields for synchronization or configuration of queries may be required depending on the requirements of your integration.
Minimal User Permissions & Hub User
We recommend that you create a new user within your external tool, to be used only for your Hub integration. This is the user information you will enter when setting up your repository connection within Planview Hub. By creating a new user, you will ensure that the correct permissions are granted, and allow for traceability of the modifications that are made by the synchronization.
In general, your user account should have sufficient permissions to create, read, and update artifacts in your repository. However, depending on the use case, your user may need different permissions. For example, if you are only interested in flowing data out of your repository, your user may not need to have full CRUD access, as the 'create' and 'update' permissions may not be needed.
Your user should have a secure password or token. Please be aware that Hub will not allow you to save a repository connection utilizing a weak password/token, such as 'tasktop.'
To use the Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server connector, your Hub user should have the following permission set:
- Update Elements
Connecting to the Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server Repository
Standard Authentication
Required Fields:
- Location/Connection URL for Sparx EA, with project name appended
- Example Format:
- Username for Sparx EA
- Password for Sparx EA
Optional Fields:
- OSLC Access Code
- Only required if the project is configured to require an OSLC Access Code.
- Tag Names
- Names of tags to be made available as fields for integration. Names must be separated by spaces, and names with spaces in them must be surrounded by double quotes.
- Throttling Settings: This field indicates the number of API calls that can be made per minute. See details here.
- Note: This field should only be set under the guidance of customer care as the ideal value is highly dependent on each customer's unique environment.
- Connection Security: If checked, insecure connections to this repository will be allowed. See details here.
SSO Authentication
Additionally, Sparx Systems Pro Cloud supports the following SSO implementations:
- Script (HTTP cookies)
- X.509 Certificate
Learn more about how to set up your repository in Planview Hub here.
If tags are to be included in integrations, use the Tag Names field in the repository to specify the names of tags to be used. Tag names that have spaces must be surrounded by double quotes, and tag names must be specified by spaces. For example:
Grape "Wine Advisor Rating"
Specifies two tag names.
Tag names are dynamically made into String fields on the artifact schema. If tag names are changed, a schema refresh is triggered, and collection mappings will need to be updated based on changes.
Note: Tags with a specified tagged value type are not supported.
Other Configuration Settings
Full Scan
Due to third party API limitations, updates to the following fields may not trigger change detection or cause a synchronization immediately. To ensure these updates synchronize, a high fidelity full scan must occur or another qualifying change must be made to the artifact:
- Comments
- Relationships (Multi-Links)
- Tags
Learn more about how to configure change detection and full scan intervals in Planview Hub here.
Supported Features
Special Features Supported
You can learn more about special features in Planview Hub here.
Feature |
Custom Type Supported? |
Applicable Hub Versions |
Applicable Repository Versions |
N/A |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
N/A - State Transitions (Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server does not use state transitions. Status can flow out of or into Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server as a single-select.) |
N/A |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Supported Artifacts
Supported Work Items
Learn about the difference between containers and work items in Planview Hub here.
Supported Work Item Type |
Applicable Hub Versions |
Applicable Repository Versions |
Unique URL? |
Requirement |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
No |
Use Case |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
No |
Actor |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
No |
Class |
Planview Hub: 20.3 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
No |
Component |
Planview Hub: 22.4 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
No |
Interface |
Planview Hub: 22.4 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
No |
Diagram |
Planview Hub: 23.2 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
No |
Supported Containers
Learn more about containment in Planview Hub here.
Containers that can synchronize between repositories |
Applicable Hub Versions |
Applicable Repository Versions |
Unique URL? |
Packages Note: Beginning in Hub version 22.4, containers can be treated as work items. Learn more here. |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
No |
Containers used to define the boundary of a collection (When clicking 'Manage Projects' on a Collection) |
N/A (entire repository serves as container) |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
N/A |
Containers used for artifact routing |
Packages |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
N/A |
Supported Field Types
Note: If one field of a given type is supported, others that are also that type in theory should also work. However, sometimes there are instances in which this is not the case due to the repository. So, while we can claim support for fields at the type level, there is a chance that some specific fields of a given type will not synchronize properly.
Standard Field Type |
Does Hub support custom fields of this type? |
How is field type referenced in the repository? |
Sample Repository Fields Supported |
Particular Repository Fields NOT Supported |
String |
Subject Alias Creator |
Drop-Down List |
Status |
Difficulty Priority Stability |
Date Time |
Created Modified |
Learn how to configure relationships in Planview Hub here. |
Links |
Hierarchy (only writeable on artifact creation) Resource links (read-only) |
Description |
Description |
Tags |
Tags |
Functional Limitations
Category |
Limitation |
Applicable Hub Versions |
Applicable Repository Versions |
Configuration Requirement |
Diagram Images Automatic Viewable Components must be configured to synchronize Diagram images through the "Diagram" rich text field. Learn more here. |
Planview Hub: 23.2 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Third Party API Limitation |
Diagrams The Diagram artifact type is read-only. |
Planview Hub: 23.2 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Feature Not Supported |
Tags Tags with a specified tagged value type are not supported. |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Third Party Functional Limitation |
Projects Because Sparx Pro Cloud Server does not support the notion of ‘projects,' the following behaviors may be observed when using Hub:
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Third Party API Limitation |
Scalability When flowing a large number of artifacts (i.e., 10,000) from Sparx, socket timeouts can occur. To resolve this, set the system property to a higher value (such as 30 minutes). In Windows, this can be set by running 'Manage Tasktop,' and updating the Java Options on the Java tab. |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Third Party API Limitation |
Attachments Attachments are not supported. |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Third Party API Limitation |
Date Fields Sparx Pro Cloud Server does not return time zone information for dates, so users may need to use a Hub extension to adjust date fields to their timezone. |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Third Party API Limitation |
Comments Sparx Pro Cloud Server does not support sub-second comment creation times. As a result, comments posted in the same second might not be returned in the order posted. |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Third Party API Limitation |
Tags Tags cannot be deleted. |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Configuration Requirement |
Tags Only tags that are added to the Repository field "Tag Names" will be available for mappings. |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Configuration Requirement |
Packages If a containment synchronization of Packages is set up, new Packages must have another Package as their parent artifact (not Model Root) |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |
Configuration Requirement |
Tags Duplicate tags are not supported. When there are multiple tags with the same name, only the value of the first tag is retrieved. When attempting to update the value of a tag for a Pro Cloud Server resource having multiple tags with the same name, an exception will be thrown by the connector. For example, if a resource has three tags named "A", "B" and "B", updates to values for "A" will be accepted, but updating the value of "B" will cause an error. |
Planview Hub: 18.1 and later |
Any supported repository version: |