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Can I write information to the Jira sprint field?

Last Updated: June   |  Applicable Hub Versions: All


Planview Hub versions 18.4 and later / Tasktop Sync versions 4.16 and later

Beginning with Planview Hub 18.4 and Tasktop Sync 4.16, Jira sprint fields are writeable, but please note details below:

A new single-select field 'Active or Future Sprint' has been added which represents the current assigned (active or future) sprint for the issue and which can be updated. Hub will use the new APIs to move the issue to a sprint or to the backlog when the value changes.

This new field is supported but with the following limitations:

  • Issues can only be moved to Active or Future Sprints as Jira does not allow moving issues to closed sprints. Therefore, only active or future sprint will be present in the listOptions for this field.
    • Note: Active or Future Sprints must be present on the scrum board attached to the Jira Project you are synchronizing.
  • This will only be available for the Jira versions supporting the Agile API (Jira versions 7.2.0 and above that have the JIRA Agile add-on installed).

The existing read-only 'Sprint' field has been renamed to 'Sprint(s)' to better represent the functionality of this field. No other changes have been made to the existing field except this renaming.

In Planview Hub versions 19.1 and later / Tasktop Sync 4.17 and later, 'Active or Future Sprint' can be added as a field with state transitions. (Note: 'Active or Future Sprint' is different than the name given to the 'sprint' field in Jira's UI). There is a limitation that the issue must be editable in one of the two states that it is transitioning between and that the sprint field must be on the transition screen in Jira.

Planview Hub versions 18.3 and earlier / Tasktop Sync versions 4.15 and earlier

No, Hub does not currently support writing to this field. Hub does however allow you to read the values from the sprint field so that they can be written to a field in another system.

This field is represented as a multi-select type field since Jira items can have multiple sprints associated with them. In Jira versions 7.2 and greater with the Agile Plug-in, and Hub versions 18.3 and later, you can map the multi-select values to your Hub model. For earlier versions, you must configure your model field to 'accept new values,' since field value mapping will not be available for this field.

The sprint field comes from the Agile (also known as Greenhopper) Jira add-on. It has a separate API that we currently do not make calls to.

Note: It is challenging to determine which sprints should be available to pick for a project since sprints belong to a board and a project can use more than one board. The Jira web UI, when editing an issue, allows you to choose sprints from boards that the Issue is not currently on.