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How can I override the default socket timeout for my operational database?

Last Updated:    |  Applicable Hub Versions: All


The default socket timeout for external operational databases is set to 10 minutes in Planview Hub versions 20.1+, 19.4.4+, and 19.3.15+. You can override this default setting by following the instructions below:


Set the Hub system property oracle.jdbc.ReadTimeout to the desired time in milliseconds.

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server

Provide the 'soccketTimeout' property in the database connection URL (in seconds for PostgreSQL, and in milliseconds for MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server). 

It can go anywhere in the properties of the URL. For example, both of the following would be valid:

  • jdbc:sqlserver://<server-name>:1433;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;socketTimeout=60000 
  • jdbc:sqlserver://<server-name>:1433;socketTimeout=60000;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false